A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Squeaky Blocks

We tried to squeeze in a little playtime between coming home from daycare, going to the doctor, and finishing the night at AWANA. This picture is Elijah trying to speak his blocks after his small tower fell down. Daycare went well today and Mommy brought home a couple new library books for Elijah. At the doctor's office, we found out Elijah is in great health. He's still on the small side (5th percentile for weight, 15th percentile for height) but that's just how our Buddy-Do grows. He got 2 shots...and he handled it well considering he let a stranger stab him twice while he was half naked. Elijah received mucho cuddles after that. And AWANA was good too. The nursery workers said they were able to get Elijah to point up for Jesus 3 times. Good job!

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