A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Rainy Park

Yesterday we decided that we would all go to the park today. A different park than the closest park that we tried to go to last time. So we looked up a new park that's just a couple minutes drive from us. This morning Erik had to get his Jeep looked at for a while, then lunch, then it was Elijah's nap, so park time would be in the afternoon. It was getting cloudy, so I go to weather.com to see if it's going to rain. For our zip code, it said 0% chance of precipitation for the rest of the night. We start to leave and Erik feels two drops of rain which makes us decide to bring some rain jackets just in case. We're at the park for less than 10 minutes before the rain picks up into a good sprinkle and we leave. It's not raining at our house so Elijah and I play in the driveway for about 15 minutes before it starts raining at our house. Maybe tomorrow will give us better outdoor weather...

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