A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Bfast Burritos

We had breakfast burritos for dinner tonight. Elijah loved them with dip (salsa). He ate all of his oranges too. And he was still hungry after that so we gave him some yogurt. That's our growing boy!

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

How to Swing

Daddy is teaching Elijah how to have the perfect batting stance. Good thing we have a few more years to practice. I still think it's cute.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Playing in the Rain

Before: Elijah would barely touch the water so I showed him how to stomp in the puddle.

During: He loved running through the water and splashing around. He didn't like the mud between his toes.

After: He fell once and his pants were muddy and soaked. The pants went straight to the washer and we dried off and changed into clean clothes.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Tub Fall

Elijah 'fell' in the tub while taking his bath, and he decided it would be a great chance to practice his swimming (uhh....kicking) and screaming. So I quickly took a picture because it was cute, and then I told him that he needed to stop splashing and use his inside voice.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

ABCs & 1,2,3s

We kept our old cell phones for Elijah to play with. We're still able to charge this one and it has a few toddler apps on it for Elijah. This app is for the alphabet. He taps on a letter and it tells him the letter and shows an animal with it. He really likes the penguin. 

We also use the old way of learning: books. This book is all about babies. The page he kept turning to tonight was this one where he can count the 10 crawling babies.

Friday, July 26, 2013

One Evening

Elijah had to show Bilbo where his water bucket is.

Then Elijah decided that it would be fun to get into Bilbo's kennel. He played with it for over a half hour. And he wanted Bilbo to come in the kennel with him and take a nap.

For dinner, we went out with Aunt Kass and GG. My flash on my phone was too bright so I only took one picture. We had fun coloring!

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Bilbo Visits

Elijah loves playing with Bilbo even though the dog is much bigger than he is. He likes saying "Hi, Bilbo," and petting him on the back with gentle touches. Here he tries to get Bilbo in the kennel to go to sleep (even though it's not bedtime).

Elijah also wanted to put Bilbo's leash on him...to go for a walk? This picture is when Elijah was showing Bilbo the plane in the sky. I don't think Bilbo was too interested, but Mommy found the plane behind the tree just beneath the clouds. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Double Brushing

Elijah put his infant toothbrush on the handle part of his toddler toothbrush. Some days he likes brushing his teeth and some days he hates it (like tonight....I have a great picture of him crying). He always loves before/after brushing time because he gets to chew on his toothbrush...both sides.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Blanket Jump

This kid is really fond of jumping right now. However, there's something else that I want you to notice from this picture and I'm not sure you can tell by just looking. The blanket on the floor is actually evenly spread out over his cushion (see video from yesterday). Elijah did that all on his own. He's going to be great at making his bed!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Jumping to the Ceiling

When it's too hot to go outside every day, we have to do something to burn off all his energy. Jumping is pretty good...as long as he doesn't sprain an ankle.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Clean Up

Today we went out for Generations' Day with Grandma DeShon. At Zona Rosa we went shopping at a few stores and bought a few things for Grandma, Mommy, Elijah, and baby girl. After shopping we (mainly Elijah) played in the water fountains. It was only a few hours of being there, but it sure did wear us out. Bath time was for playing in water again and washing off all the sticky sun screen.

Saturday, July 20, 2013


We taught him how to play the harmonica. I think he likes it. And I think I'll need to find a good hiding spot for it.

Friday, July 19, 2013

No Day Care

Elijah didn't have day care today so I took the day off from work to stay with him. We were able to play outside for a while in the sandbox before it got too hot. Then we came in for a snack and he decided to show me what it looked like in his mouth. Cute hat though.


I even had him look at me and smile. He was actually trying to show me his foot or something on his foot...but I took a close up of his face instead.

Daddy took this picture of Elijah watching his digger video before bed.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

All Done

Elijah was all done with his dinner and asking Daddy to come get him down for bath time. I decided to get a picture...he did not like that. He kept saying "Daddy...Dad....Bath!" and whining/hiding from my camera. He was happy one minute later when it was bath time.

Monday, July 15, 2013


Elijah has liked playing nigh' nigh' during the day. He kicked Erik out of his spot on the couch, made him leave his pillow, asked for a blanket and sippy, then played his game. I guess we haven't learned that we're the adults and our toddler can't 'make' us do things.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Long Swim

Elijah went for an hour long swim in our backyard. We're going to get a different pool though because this one collapsed a couple minutes after we got out...not good. He was swimming by laying down and kicking his legs or walking on his hands and occasionally blowing bubbles or getting a mouth full of water. When we had been inside for a while, Elijah said, "Swimming!" and laid down on the carpet like he had been doing in the pool. Way too cute!

Saturday, July 13, 2013


We cleaned out Elijah's sandbox and filled it with new clean sand. It's in the shade with all his new (cheap) sand toys...including some old containers from the kitchen. He enjoyed scooping up sand with the shovel or little cup and dumping it into the bucket and dump truck. He didn't like when it was time to go inside.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wedding Ring

Someone borrowed Daddy's wedding ring and put it on his little finger. He was upset that it was loose on one finger but wouldn't fit on two fingers. Erik asked him which finger the ring goes on and Elijah said "Daddy!" That's correct...however the answer we were looking for was "ring finger."

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


My son is all about the routines that we have. Our evening goes like this: dinner, bath/shower, pajamas, play, brush teeth, digger video, pray, and sleep. Elijah likes telling us which step is next and we like getting him to bed on time.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Dump Truck

Elijah loaded up his dump truck with all his toy cars. He kept getting upset when they didn't all fit in the truck. After they were all balanced well, he tried to drive the dump truck on the couch and they would spill out again. Thankfully, I got him to start to dump them out on purpose, and then re-stack them in the truck. Problem solved (kind of).

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Backyard Swimming

We set up a pool in the backyard, which isn't level, so part of the pool has water up to the brim and the other half has about 3 inches in it. I was able to get Elijah to splash around, walk and crawl, play with all his pool toys, and blow water bubbles. At first it was really cold, but after a few minutes it was a lot of fun.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

4th of July

Elijah and Kass playing with the mallets and Elijah's new dump truck. Thanks, GG!

Elijah's first fireworks: poppers! Thanks, Uncle Chad and Daddy!

It's so hot that Elijah played in the shade with water and toys. Thanks, Grandma!

Elijah understands that his cousin, Ellis, is a baby, but he doesn't know why she cries.

The cousins are both grinning! Elijah loved giving Ellis kisses.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Today, Erik taught Elijah how to drive the Jeep. If he can get a friend to push the pedals, then he'll be on his way. Actually, it was pouring at our house while Erik drove Elijah home from day care so he stopped at the gas station. I went to get Elijah and Erik braved the storm with his Jeep top off and doors off. Thankfully, by the time I went to get them and the drive home, we were only hit with a few sprinkles. 

Tuesday, July 2, 2013


I put two pictures on today since I posted one of them on Facebook. My blog readers get extra - yay for you! Elijah moves around so much and sometimes avoids my camera. I'm surprised that I was able to get him in the frame. I figure for every 20 pictures I take, I get one decent shot. Here he is wearing Daddy's hat and clapping - go Royals!

Monday, July 1, 2013


After a day of playing at day care and at home with Mommy, Elijah needed to relax. He had his head resting on one side of the tub and his feet up in the air resting on the other side of the tub. He was giggling like crazy because he knew he was doing something that I thought was cute. We may have a little trouble in the future...