A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Camera Shy

My phone has a very bright flash that stays on for a few seconds before actually taking the picture. My sneakiness is all gone. All the other pictures I tried to get were too blurry. You can tell he was trying to hide in this shot too. You can't tell that he's saying, "Nooooo!"

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Go Chiefs

We wore our red today for the Chiefs. I'm pretty sure that's why they won (4-0)! Elijah's been saying "My Eva" and he even put one of his old chewy toys with her stuff and gave it to her. I've been trying to explain that Mommy has to go to the hospital so Eva can be born. So far he's not confused about it...we'll see how it really goes. My camera is now packed in my hospital bag because I'm not missing pictures of when she's born. That means my blog pics may be blurry because most of them will be from my phone until she's born.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Quick Park

On our way home from daycare, we stopped at the park to play. The slide was a little too hot, but Elijah liked climbing on the steps and swinging. We stayed until I was too tired and Elijah was too hot...so we were there less than an hour. It was still a good time.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Moving Furniture

Erik was moving furniture out of the office so we can transform it into baby girl's room. Elijah decided to help push part of the desk into the kitchen. He's such a good helper. Hopefully he'll be good at getting diapers and wipes once the baby is here.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Hammer Play

Before leaving for AWANA, Elijah spent some time playing with this hammers. He also wanted to wear his Chiefs jacket even though it's pretty warm in our house. He was able to take the jacket off (zipper included) all by himself. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Double News

While Mommy and Daddy were at baby Addison's visitation, Elijah stayed with Grandma and Grandpa DeShon to play and eat. His Pull-Ups didn't work out too well and Grandma had to give him a hoodie after his shirt and pants got wet. 

I also had a doctor's appointment today. Our baby girl is head down and my tummy is measuring a little big (which is okay considering Elijah was born 3 weeks early and was over 7lbs). I'm going to the doctor every week now until she's born. 

Monday, September 23, 2013

Cuddle Boys

Here are my boys cuddling on the couch. Soon our family of three will be a family of four...and cuddling will never be the same.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

No Paparazzi

Elijah did not want me to take his picture. He threw his hand at me from across the room when he saw my camera. Erik told him to smile, and Elijah said "Cheese!" while scrunching his eyebrows and giving me a mad look. His smile was hilarious and I could not get a picture while laughing at it. This picture was right after all that.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Brother Practice

This is the first time I've seen him give a sippy cup to Ernie, and he started doing it all on his own. Looks like he'll be a good big brother once his little sister gets here. 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Tech Boy

Apparently just watching youtube videos isn't enough...Elijah had to play a game on his phone at the same time. Looks like he's enjoying the screen time.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Storm Coming

I took Elijah outside to see the dark storm clouds coming toward our house. He kept telling me a storm was coming for a half hour until dinner time when the storm finally arrived. Then he was a little afraid of the thunder so I brought him into the living room to eat. Here he is pounding his hand and saying, "Boom! Boom! Boom!" Just imagine Mommy and Daddy trying to keep the lasagna on his highchair tray while he's doing that. 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Elijah still loves to watch Daddy mow the grass. He watched out the front door and then we went out to the back deck to watch him finish mowing the backyard. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Elijah is hanging out on the floor with his "Lare-dee" stuffed cucumber. He's going to be so confused when he figures out his last name and this veggie have the same name. We've tried to explain it before...hasn't worked yet. In medical news, Elijah's echo showed normal results. Yay! No problems with my kiddo's heart...and today he's been extra sweet with many hugs and kisses.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Echo (echo)

Photo by Erik Larry. I was not able to go with Elijah to his echo appointment today so Erik took him. They had to wait a long time in the waiting room, but Elijah did fine with that. Elijah was good during the procedure as well. They just gave him a toy to play with. Afterwards, Daddy and Elijah went to see Aaron because his newborn daughter, Addison, is staying at the hospital for a while. Then the boys came to see me at work! We'll find out the results of his echo from his doctor in a few days.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Green Beans

We were able to play with a few friends at the Grove today. One of Mommy's friends just had a baby, and she needed to get her other kids out of the house for a while. Elijah had fun playing with different kids. I didn't take any pictures while we were out...bummer. When we got home we had to do a quick bedtime routine, I had Elijah yell green beans for a good/funny pic, and then he was off to sleep. He's having his echo tomorrow at Children's Mercy because he had a heart murmur at his last doctor's visit. We're hoping all is okay...should hear back from the doctor in a few days.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Laundry Day

I had a helper all day while doing laundry. Elijah likes putting clothes in the washer or dryer and taking them out and putting them in the laundry basket. Then he helped me 'fold' the clothes. He put all the socks on the laundry basket's edge. I also did a load of newborn clothes and such for baby girl...didn't notice how much pink stuff we have. I'm glad her room is going to be lavender.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Red Friday

Elijah and Daddy matched today wearing their Chiefs shirts. He propped the cushion against the couch and was trying to run and jump over it onto the couch. It didn't work, but he liked sliding down the cushion and running across the room anyway. 

Thursday, September 12, 2013


Elijah is in the middle of a huge Daddy phase in which he wants Daddy to do everything with him and cries when he has to leave Daddy (at day care or church or home). So when Daddy needed to work in the basement today, we set up the baby gate to create a safe area where Elijah could watch Daddy working. He really enjoyed his little space at the bottom of the stairs.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Personal Cell

So our toddler has his own cell phone. We have about 6 apps that he can use on it. He probably can't make real phone calls, but he does like to pretend. He was cuddled up to Daddy, put the phone up to his ear, and kept saying 'hello' over and over and over again.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Elijah and Daddy were playing catch with Elijah's hot air balloon blanket. I could not get a non blurry picture of them. This picture is when Erik tricked Elijah and said, "3...2...1..." but didn't throw the blanket. Hopefully, this kind of teasing helps Elijah get through grade school.

Monday, September 9, 2013


Elijah beat the memory game on his phone all by himself. The phone game has 10 cards and lets you flip over two at a time to try and make a match. It took Elijah less than a minute to win. Here's his happy-to-win-it face.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Before Church

Thanks to my sweet husband for taking my maternity pictures over the past months. Photo credit for today's picture: Erik. I'm so excited that I finally have one with Elijah smiling and me looking halfway decent. I'm getting those prego cheeks though. 6 more weeks!

Saturday, September 7, 2013


We let Elijah watch a few Veggie Tales silly songs before bedtime. He's leaning over the armrest to see the computer on Daddy's lap. We're watching the SUV song here. "Ohh! You and me in our sport utility vehicles!"

Friday, September 6, 2013


Here's Elijah playing his new game: Baggie. He is pretending to be the baggie that the balloonists throw from the hot air balloon to the target on the ground. At first, Erik was just letting him climb, then he'd drop Elijah on the floor. Elijah started saying 'baggie' each time he fell. It didn't take us too long to figure out his little game.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Not So Well

Elijah hasn't been feeling well the past two days. He hasn't been eating well and coughing a lot when he's trying to sleep. So he hasn't been getting enough sleep (same for Mommy and Daddy) and he's been cranky/clingy all day. Hope he starts to feel better soon.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Elijah loved playing in his caterpillar tunnel today. He saw it hidden behind the couch and cleaned up all his toys so we could play with it.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Labor Day Weekend

Friday night: Elijah played catch with Daddy while we waited for everyone to arrive at the inn. 

Saturday morning: We watched balloons fly in from the west.

They took off over the trees.

Saturday day: Elijah went for a trip around the farm. He saw the goats, climbed the hay bales, and inspected the tractors. He kept wanting to go outside the whole weekend.

Saturday evening: The shades didn't stay on for very long, but we did get him to stay in the shade or wear a hat for most of the night. He really enjoyed seeing 'hotairballoons' in the sky.

Here are some balloons taking off. We had a good flight!

For the glow, we took Elijah out on the field by all the balloons. He got a few trading cards while we waited for it to get nice and dark. Elijah didn't like the loud propane noises, but he enjoyed the flashing balloons.

No Sunday morning: rain

Sunday evening: It was very windy, but a few balloons flew for us. They were going fast! My hair is so long here, and I can only hold Elijah for a few minutes at a time. Just a couple more months until baby girl is here.

The balloons had a hard time getting up straight before flying out. I hope they all landed alright.

I love the shadowy look of the balloons between the glowing.

Monday morning: We had to wear jackets because it was a little chilly outside. 

Here's everyone set up in front of Grandma's car. Elijah started yelling 'green beans' and everyone thought it was hilarious!

You can see the baggie dropping down in this picture. My parents taught Elijah about the balloonists throwing the baggie onto the target.