A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Christmas Ready

On Pinterest, I found pipe cleaner candy canes and thought we'd try to make some in December. Well I couldn't wait, so we made some today. Elijah was good at putting the beads on and he enjoyed doing it so much that he asked to do it again in the afternoon.

Erik brought the Christmas decorations down from the attic last night so I could begin decorating the house for our favorite holiday. This morning Elijah saw his Little People nativity set and asked me to get it out. So I did, and he remembered from last year that it played music. He must get his memory from his Dad. I was telling him about all the people and animals when he asked, "Where's God?" I was about to explain that God is everywhere when he held up one of the wise men, "Is this one God?" I decided to change my answer and told him that Baby Jesus is God...that was enough explanation for now. Later in the day, Elijah went over to his nativity, pointed at Baby Jesus and said, "That's a baby God, right there."

1 comment:

  1. That is really something. Writing this down has saved this precious memory. He is quite a kid and you are quite a mom. Wonderful time in our lives. Thank you for keeping this blog going and sharing with all of us.
