A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Friday, February 14, 2014

4 Months Old

Eva girl is showing off her cute booties while wearing her 4th month old sticker. She even smiled for a few of her pictures! We had her doctor's appointment, and he gave us a prescription for her eczema but not the one I wanted. We have to try this hydrocortisone for two weeks and see if it works before they'll do anything else. I know it didn't work for Elijah. In other doctor news, Eva had a couple more shots and she handled them very well. She is now 12 lbs 4 oz for weight and 23 inches long which is just under average for her age.

Poor Elijah had to go to the doctor's with us and to Miss Roni's for Eva's 4 month pictures. He was very good even though all the attention was on Eva today. We made it through the day with zero timeouts! He even got to play with shaving cream and take a long warm bubble bath with his boat, rubber duckies, fish, and cups.

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