A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Friday, February 28, 2014

T-Rex Cafe

My new work schedule has made if difficult to get pictures and post them daily. Here's my catching up from yesterday. These are blurry because they're from my phone. Eva girl is playing in the rocking chair. She likes her chewy toys now. And she's rolling over frequently...at night...and waking herself up. Hopefully, she'll figure out how to flip back over or get used to it soon. I don't like getting out of bed every half hour to flip her back over.

I took Elijah out to the T-Rex Cafe at Legends (without Eva). We really liked the dinosaurs. At first he was a little cautious of all the noises, but he enjoyed watching the dinosaurs talk and move around. Our food came out late because our server didn't put our order in. And it tasted fine...not great or anything. Then we looked at their store and didn't buy anything because it was either expensive, a stuffed animal (which we have too many of), or for children over 5 years old. After that, we went shopping and I got a couple things for both kids for next winter. Nap time was messed up though, so I had one cranky boy for the rest of the night. Hopefully, he'll remember this day for a while.

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