A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Making Up

Many pictures tonight...see what happens when I stay home all day. Oh well, it makes up for the days I only see the kids for a couple hours. That makes it hard to get a picture and post. The pictures above are from this morning. I went to take a shower, and Elijah got out all his books, took them across the living room, and sat in the pile. After my shower, I showed him how to correctly stack the books on the shelves.

I had no idea I was foreshadowing when I took this picture earlier today. Eva girl stole my phone! Later, when Erik was cooking (steak and potatoes if you must know) I had Eva on my lap and my phone in my hand...maybe playing Candy Crush. Then Eva hits my phone with her hand and knocks it our of my hand onto the couch. Erik saw the whole thing and thought it was hilarious. 

My Pinterest project for Elijah today was all about fine motor skills. The first one is putting Cheerios on spaghetti noodles. The middle one is putting toothpicks in the little hole in the toothpick container. The last one on the right is putting rigatoni noodles on a pipe cleaner. I took his finished project of the last one and made it a bracelet. He says it's for Grandpa. He asked if we could go to Grandpa's house tonight and give it to him for his birthday. I said we'd just give it to Grandpa the next time we see him.

I don't know what most kids build with their Legos, but Elijah builds fork lifts. He even added a driver to the top but was upset that we didn't have a driving thing (aka steering wheel). 

Bonus story! While I was talking to Erik on the phone, Elijah told me, "I go Wal-Mart with Daddy. Get Mommy burritos and Goldfish. Get Eva wipes...for she butt."

1 comment:

  1. I have gone from crying to laughing in this post. That grandpa stuff was great. But the
    wipes/butt comment had me cracking up. (What was the deal on the comment from
    yesterday? Have you been hacked?) Can't wait to see these kiddos soon. Love to all.
