A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

6 Month Outtakes

The giraffe pictures are getting harder and harder to take. I only have one where she's smiling this time. She likes eating the giraffe and throwing it. I like the picture in the middle here. It looks like she's handing me the giraffe.

Elijah is saying "cheese" for me. He smiles big and closes his eyes. I try to have him say something, so he shouts and I get a picture with his eyes closed and mouth wide open. I have him laugh naturally, and he's falling over or moving his arms around. Can't figure out what to do...so we made a fort.

6 month check up: She weighs in at 14 lbs and 3 oz - that's double her birth weight! She's a healthy baby girl. She's moving along in the 15-20th percentile for height and weight. 33rd percentile for head circumference...all those brains. She had 4 vaccines today - one oral (which took forever for her to swallow) and 3 shots in the thighs. 

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