A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Classic Boy

Elijah is enjoying a Root Beer with Daddy. He said, "My lips tickle!" 

Erik gave Elijah a summer haircut. This afternoon, Elijah was running into the living room when he tripped (on his own feet?) and fell into his workbench. He immediately had an indention on his forehead where his head hit the workbench. We tried to hold ice on it... Now (about 5 hours later) he has a nice bruised bump on his head. You can barely see it in the picture with the flash though.

I let Eva sit in the big highchair for dinner tonight. She had her first taste of bananas. I think she liked them more than the pears from last week, but she mostly spit at me. Looks like she's enjoying the glass jar!

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