A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Crawling & Quotes

Eva's crawl is already a step past the army crawl. Her legs are going at the same time...with lots of help from her toes. She's getting fast too.

Morning park play! There was lots of shade covering the entire play area. Another kid knocked Elijah off the bottom of the slide when they were both trying to climb up the slide. Elijah told me that story about 7 times today...and I was there when it happened.

Too bad the slide was really the only age appropriate equipment for Elijah. They have a cool light sensor game, but we couldn't get the game to work and Elijah's too small to play well anyway. There were also these awesome climbing ropes, but Elijah could only crawl around the bottom section.

Elijah: "When I was old like you, I played soccer like this."

Me: "Hold on, buddy. I'm tired."
Elijah: "No!! Don't take a sleep!"

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