A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Elijah's 3rd Birthday

After his special morning birthday milk (see my Facebook for a pic), we opened 2 presents before Daddy left for work. He got so excited after opening these markers that he fell off the couch. So funny!

He also opened Eric Carl lacing cards. He thought I was saying racing cars...lots of confusion. I thought he did really well with them this morning, and that's considering all the 5-year-old children in Cubbies I've seen try to lace.

Elijah really liked coloring with the blue and yellow. He had a hard time taking the caps off, but he was able to put them on. 

Eva's sitting up on her knees a lot. She doesn't want to walk much (even holding my hands), but she likes to climb around on everything including Elijah when he's in timeout.

Yesterday, Elijah told me he wanted to wear his airplane shirt, but then he changed his mind and wanted to be Superman. He really likes wearing the cape. We rented The Lego Movie and watched it twice today. It has a song: "Everything is awesome! Everything is cool when you work as a team!" Now we have that stuck in our heads.

How much has Elijah grown in the past year? By our measurements, he's grown about 4 inches.

And our bedtime routine would not be complete without a few YouTube videos. Eva girl even decided to join tonight for some Veggie Tales and Digger songs.

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