A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Zoo Trip

Mommy and Elijah went to the zoo. Elijah loves these penguins. We were able to see them feeding the penguins when we first arrived. One penguin kept leaping up from a hole right in front of Elijah, then he'd dive back in the water. 

We also liked all the different kinds of monkeys. Elijah thought it was funny because they were grooming each other.

We saw four elephants and the two closest to us were reaching out of their fence to eat some grass.

Even though all 5 lions were laying down the entire time, Elijah loved roaring at them. A lot of the animals were like this...the rainy, cloudy day made them a little lazy.

Last time we came to the zoo, the chimps were inside hiding from the rain. Today we were able to see many chimps run around and groom themselves (still funny). "That one is grabbing that one's shoulder! Hahaha."

I want a hippopotamus for Christmas! We saw 2...one wiggled his ears and the other blew some water out of his nose. Silly hippos!

We didn't buy any feed for the deer, but a few of them came out to see if we would feed them. One even let Elijah pet him.

There's a special kid zone with a learning house at the zoo. It has a few frogs, birds, and monkeys inside. The top level is up the stairs and there's a slide for kids to come down. We need this for our house! Side note: A man and his son were the only other people in the learning house. The man put his phone/camera up to the glass by one of the monkeys. The monkey kept putting his hands "on" the phone like he was taking a selfie. They played like that for a good 5 minutes.

They just finished a new play area at the zoo in the kids zone. We saw it featured on the local news a couple weeks ago. Elijah had trouble climbing up a slanted ramp with thin footsteps that had a hanging rope to help climbers. He tried it, gave up, then used the stairs. Later, he saw his friend from the learning house climb up it. So, Elijah wanted to try again. He still couldn't do it and almost cried. Finally (after much time/effort), Elijah made it up the ramp! So proud of him.

It was way past time to leave and way past nap time, but we had to ride the train. It was not very awesome. It really didn't go by any animals except the camels (which we were unable to see because they weren't doing the camel rides) and kangaroos (which we were able to see right after we got off the train).

However, Elijah loved just riding the train. It even had a long,dark tunnel.

One last stop at the polar bears before leaving.

He sure is big! See you later.

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