A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Teeth and Tube

Here's Eva on Thursday before her one year doctor check up. We just noticed two bottom teeth...so she gets a frozen chew toy. She got 3 shots but handled it pretty well. She's a healthy girl! She is still small but growing well (especially her head). We are starting to add whole milk to her diet. The new doctor (because her other one went to the practice's new location) is also trying to change how we are treating her eczema (which he thinks might not be eczema). I think it's the same as Elijah's eczema and we'll have to see the dermatologist. 

Baby grins! Can you see the new little bottom teeth?

Let me zoom in a little for you.

Elijah is whacking his 'telescope' on his hands. Tonight he put on his pajamas. "Snow bears," he says. "You mean polar bears?" I ask. "No, summer bears," he says.

1 comment:

  1. Wow teeth. Glad she is doing well. Love those Elijah quotes.
