A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Energy and Snow

Here are a few pictures/videos to catch up from the last few days. Eva had some crackers for a snack in the living room because Elijah said she had to watch a doggie Christmas movie with him.

This is the only kind of Santa baby that I like!

Welcome to the Larry family home school. We do our calendar daily, and Elijah almost knows the days of the week. This week we are learning the letter "Y" and practicing 4 sight words. As always, we do some kind of art project. This week we finger paint, color, and cut Play Doh with scissors.

Our kids were very excited about playing outside in the snow. Eva even left her hat on her head the entire time.

Elijah was so happy that he posed for pictures for me.

He's showing me his mittens and a snowball (but it fell).

I brought Eva and some snow inside to play. She loved playing with the snow and trying to squish it. She did not like eating it...although she put it in her mouth many, many times. 

The next day, I let Elijah explore the front yard. He loved making fresh snow footprints and snow angels. 

Notice how this long present is missing some wrapping paper. Eva must be ready for Christmas, but she doesn't know that this present is for me. She is also climbing on them all the time. Good thing we have a sturdy long box in the front of the tree.

Eva's learning how to jump, and Elijah's showing her his funny jumps and kicks and spins.

The kids and their similar sock monkeys are dancing to Christmas music (I don't think you can hear it though).

Eva is being silly while playing with the blankets.

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