A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Still Here

It's been a full past month for our family. I was going back to full-time at my job. I also bought a new computer because my old one was old and very slow. The screen on the new computer had a small problem that could grow into a large problem, so we ordered another new laptop for me and returned the other 'new' one. The kids' cousin Ellis turned 2-years-old. The following day GG (my Grandmother Eva) passed away. Elijah understands that GG is in heaven now. Needless to say, this blog has taken a backseat to our lives. Here are some catch up photos. The first group is from Ellis' birthday and the next ones are from our trip to the zoo a couple days later.

Ellis wearing GG's bracelet.

Eva loves pushing the stroller. Ellis loved taking it up and down the driveway.

Ellis got a big wagon.

We love to swing!

Park at the zoo.

Pointing at the little monkeys.

Feeding the goats.

There's a monkey right there.

It's rhino feeding time. They have 4 rhinos at the zoo, but we usually see this one. Rhinos don't live in groups, so the zookeepers only put one out at a time. This is the girl...the boys don't like it out here very much and it's very difficult to lead a rhino where it doesn't want to go.

Giraffes - view from above in the Sky Safari.

Bud-Do's first trip in the air. He loved it.

We had to walk pretty far down the fence to see the elephants.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you are back. Elijah's expressions are so happy when he is at the zoo. Glad you got a new computer. Glad to see those cute faces. Glad you are my daughter.
