A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Getting Big

Eva and Daddy playing before bedtime.

Baby girl is too big for her old car seat. We had to buy new ones. One for Mommy's car and one for Daddy's Jeep. We got the same as one that we use for Elijah.

Of course, when we buy something big, we must play in the box!

Friday, May 29, 2015

Riding Cheese

Elijah is helping Daddy mow.

They took the Mega Blocks out of the wagon, and Eva took a ride. She was not able to pull Elijah to return the favor, but they tried.

Elijah had lots of fun crashing his car and motorcycle.

Eva saying "Cheese!"

Silly face! I think she was in the middle of talking...

She wanted me to take her picture.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Couch, Bears, and Shoes

Eva knows how to work the couch. She may not be strong enough to pull the foot rest out or to push it in, but she tries...and tries...until someone does it for her.

Then she sits on the couch like a big girl.

School this week included learning about bears. We even took a pretend trip to Yellowstone to see the brown bears, and we learned that pandas live in China.

Little girl loves shoes! 

Not just wearing shoes. Eating them is fun too.

Jump! Eva says "Jah!"

Saturday, May 16, 2015

What We Do

The cool thing in Elijah world is racing to bed. Mommy says "Ready, set, go!" and the boys (sometimes dressed with capes and/or masks) race to Elijah's bed.

The kids also like playing with toy bags rather than the toys in the bags.

Eva likes to play "Bye-bye" where she gets her purse and waves bye-bye. Then she goes down one stair and plays peek-a-boo through the Plexiglas. Finally, she arrives 'home' and runs to hug me.

Hands in mouth...tongue hanging out. I will never get a cute/posed picture again. Candid shots will be the only good ones....I'm sure.

GG loved Eva girl climbing in the shelves. She's even waving and being cute here.

Playing outside was limited to the porch because of the rain/mud. Elijah is showing me a seed that was on the ground.

Eva girl turning the wrong way for peek-a-boo. Over the shoulder!

For lunch, Elijah moved his chair as far over as he could and pulled Eva as close to him as he could. I think they even shared parts of their meals.

Elijah lined up matching blocks on the play kitchen. He was very proud of  his work.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Puggles Awards & Train Day

The Puggles are the kids who have parents who serve in AWANA, but they are too big for the nursery and too little for Cubbies (3 years old by August 1st).

Just one little girl up there with a bunch of boys!

Elijah knew the words and most the actions to their song. (I posted the video on Facebook). They called him the leader because he knew it so well. Also, he was probably the oldest Puggle as he missed the cutoff date for Cubbies by 15 days.

Elijah stood by Nolan, his best friend in Puggles.

They each received a certificate for attending Puggles this year.

Our kids are crazy! They are always climbing around.

Elijah's taking a picture of me while I take a picture of him.
 Gift idea for Elijah: a kid digital camera.

Eva needs 2 sunglasses!

We went to train day at a park near us. They had inflatables, face painting, a mini ride-on train, a city train model, and live music (singing ABCs and letting kids drum along on stage).

Eva was able to do the inflatable obstacle course with Elijah-helper.

Elijah's conductor hat didn't last long. It fell off 10 seconds into our first train ride.

The boys sat right behind us!

Family on the train! Eva didn't want to be held, so I couldn't get her in the pic. Imagine a baby girl right next to me.

Model city with train.

Here's a better view of how big it is.

The train goes through a little tunnel. Eva was fine the first time, but she cried the 2nd and 3rd time we rode through the dark tunnel.

This boy is ready for the tunnel. He loved that part!

Choo choo! Everyone on the train waves, and everyone watching the train waves.
Eva continued to wave at strangers all day.

Ring the bell! The train is coming.

Waving at the train by the crosswalk.

Sunday, May 3, 2015


Eva tries to do the splits before bedtime.

Then she scrunches her legs...this must be the latest trend in baby exercises.

Couch cuddles while watching documentaries on Lions and Tigers. Roar!

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Welcome May

"If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet!"

Morning Elijah brings out all the stuffed animals that shared his bed last night.

Bath time baby!

Painting with a toothbrush! 

Eva's feeling frustrated with the puzzle.

We painted yellow dirty teeth and clean white teeth.