A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Thursday, December 10, 2015


Filling our shoe boxes for Operation Christmas Child.

We've been doing lots of online shopping which means we have tons of boxes and bubble wrap to play with. Here's Eva in her 'castle.'

I did a scavenger hunt with the kids. Clues for the next bow were hidden inside bows.

At the end of the hunt, they found candy canes. Elijah keeps saying 'candy cans.'

These party hats are actually paper plates Christmas trees. The kids glued pom poms on!

We also played a guessing game. I hid small objects in the kids' stockings and had them guess what they were feeling before pulling it out.

Every night, we do our advent. We get a new magnet for the nativity and I read a few verses of the Bible.

We also have a countdown chain. One kid rips a link off the chain and the other gets to open the door to get out our new magnet.

We made angels!

We made marshmallow snowmen!

Can you see our Christmas trees? We made them out of Popsicle sticks and sheet music.

For preschool at home, Elijah has been tracing Christmas words and reading Christmas books. Eva gets to color a winter/Christmas picture.

Elijah knows how to set up his nativity. Mary, Joseph, and Baby Jesus centered in the stable. The shepherds out on a hill nearby. The wise men far off with a camel.

Eva loves all her giraffes!

I made a Silver Bells matching game.

We did matching upper case with lower case letters.

I read 15 Christmas/winter books to both kids in 35 minutes. They both paid attention the whole time!

Then Eva made a choo choo out of the books. 

Elijah made a nativity out of Popsicle sticks.

More coloring and tracing Christmas words.

The kids 'helped' me do laundry.