A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Resolutions 2012

Spend more time with family.

Learn to make jewelry.

Find Santa.

Write a song and star in a movie.

Perfect my jumpshot.

Locate my twin.

Grow taller.

Win a snowball fight.

Build a tower without knocking it down.

Catch the gingerbread man.

Grow a beard to match my personality.

Steal more candy.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Missed Christmas

We didn't have our regular Christmas with the Shipps family because of several sick family members. But Grandma (my mom) went to deliver and receive Christmas presents. Here's some pictures of Elijah opening his gifts. We miss you Otto and Shipps families!

Elijah was very excited about this piece of track. You can't see his face too well but I think you get the idea.

After Erik put his Little People amusement park together, Elijah played with the cars. His favorite part of this toy? The little red flag.

Saturday, December 29, 2012


This is my baby Bud-Do. He has Daddy's eyes and Mommy's expressions, Daddy's hair and Mommy's arms and legs. He's crazy curious about everything in sight. He always has room in his tummy for more snacks. He loves to throw balls, climb on the couch, and dance to a good beat. He knows what he wants when he wants it. He follows routines perfectly. His favorite animal is a dog and every time he sees a picture of a sheep he says 'baa'. He can sign 'please' and 'thank you' when he's in the mood. He's my baby, and I love him.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Just Like Dad

When Erik comes home from work, he usually takes off his work boots in the living room. Sometimes Elijah will help him carry one to our bedroom so he can put it away in the closet. Today he wanted to wear the boots. After he tried for a while to put them on by himself, I helped him into them but he couldn't walk with them on...he could barely stand.

Erik put his workbench together and we taught him how to hammer and use the screwdriver. Now we just need to keep the nails out of his mouth and re-show him how to use the screwdriver. (He thinks it's a hammer.)

Thursday, December 27, 2012


Here's a video of Erik teaching Elijah how to jump. We like how he jumps with one arm up - Mario style. Birthday theme for next year?

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Winter Break

I took an extra day off work to organize presents and spend the day with Elijah. He was on his best behavior all day. He hugged his new Ernie doll when he started singing a counting song. 

We loved looking out the window and pulling back the curtains. Then we played peek-a-boo on the couch. Jessica made that blanket for him. He's never been a security blanket kind of boy, but today he dragged this one all over the house for a few hours. The only other blanket he has enjoyed like this is Kojo.

At bath time, Elijah enjoyed playing with his new shower. The box says it's for his age, but he's not strong enough to push the spray button. That's okay because Mommy and Daddy will spray him for now.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas 2012

Our family photo

New Superman pajamas to wear on Christmas - Daddy making flying sounds

Grandma and Grandpa DeShon bought Elijah a workbench with noise making tools.

Elijah playing in a box with cookies cutters at Grandma/Grandpa's house

Grandma Shelly bought Elijah a 3-stage trike for him to ride.

Bat and ball

Elijah in a box at Aunt Summer's new house

Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve 2012

Merry Christmas Eve! Elijah opened his presents from Mommy and Daddy this morning. His favorite presents were his hippo backpack and Lego table with Ottomans for Lego storage. He enjoyed ripped paper and playing with the boxes and tissue paper. Tonight we'll enjoy a service at church with some good Christmas songs and scriptures.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Saturday, December 22, 2012

Car Ride

Today we went on a car ride all the way to see Great Uncle Mark for his 50th birthday. It takes a few hours to get there and a few hours to get back. My dad's GPS was very confused and 'recalculating' a lot. We were able to see some family and have a safe ride there and back again. Elijah was pretty good. Only a little fussy and upset that he couldn't roll over to sleep. Not too bad for a 16 month old.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Ornament 2012

Elijah's Christmas ornament for 2012 is in his hands. It says 'Happy Birthday Jesus' on the front and I'm going to write 'Elijah 2012' on the back. He'll get a new ornament each year that represents what his likes/interests are at that time.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Snow Play

We bundled up. We went outside. We walked in the snow. We crawled in the snow. We ate snow on our mittens. We made snow angels. We'll save snowmen and sledding for next time.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Reading by Christmas Lights

Elijah can climb up on the couch by himself...if he tries hard enough.

One year ago...poor lil' baby cheeks. Glad he's doing better this year.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Every night in December (up to Christmas) we do advent. You can see our calendar on the wall in the background. It's a magnetic manger scene surrounded by number boxes that each hold a magnet figurine and a scripture to read. We usually read our verse at dinner because we're all together although Elijah doesn't really understand. He's also too little to play with the magnets...tonight's magnet was a sheep.

Monday, December 17, 2012

Tallest Tower

Well I missed 'the shot' here of him pointing to the top of the tower in total amazement. But I think this picture captures the idea. "That tower is sooooo high. I bet it would be sooooo fun to knock it over." Elijah and Erik had a blast stacking these. Erik would build a tower and Elijah would try to knock it over, but Erik wouldn't let him. Elijah thought it was funny that he couldn't get to the tower to demolish it. And then Elijah would make monster noises while destroying the tower - true boy style.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Santa Hat

I couldn't get a picture of him wearing the hat. He was just swinging it around like crazy. So I asked him to put his hat on and this is what I got. I'll take it.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Christmas (With A Capital C)

Elijah's eating breakfast and dancing to Christmas With A Capital C. Here are the lyrics:

(I remember when people used to say things like "Merry Christmas" to each other. Everybody said "Merry Christmas, hey, Merry Christmas to you, Mr. Lowenstein." You know why? Cuz it wasn't about a religion, it was about something as a culture that we thought was so valuable, that we would all do it together, even if I disagreed with the religion behind it, because it was good for ALL of us instead of just ME. But what do people say now, "Happy Holidays. I'm gonna say happy holidays because I don't wanna say Christmas cuz you don't believe in Chritsmas, cuz I dont want to offend you, chakcskdfjldksj) 

It's called Christmas! (christmas) 

(oh, ou, oh ou, oo oh oo oh oo, oh oo oh oo oh oo, Baby now) 

Well I went to the coffee shop to get myself a Mocha (mocha), 
The lady at the counter said "Happy holidays"; 
I said, "Thanks lady, I am pretty happy, 
But there's only one holiday that makes me feel that way." 

and It's called Christmas, what more can I say? 
It's about the birth of Christ 
and you can't take that away. 
You can call it something else, 
but that's not what it'll be. 
It's called Christmas with a capital "C." 

(oh, ou, oh ou, oo oh oo oh oo, oh oo oh oo oh oo, Baby now) 

God's got a law and we've pretty much destroyed it. 
We're gonna get judged, there's no way to avoid it. 
But Jesus came down to take the punishment for me. 
He did it for you too, so maybe you can see . . . 

Why It's called Christmas, what more can I say? 
It's about the birth of Christ 
and you can't take that away. 
You can call it something else, 
but that's not what it will be. 
It's called Christmas with a capital "C." 

(oh, ou, oh ou, oo oh oo oh oo, oh oo oh oo oh oo, Baby now) 

It's called Christmas! 
(oh, yes, we want to say happy holidays because we don't want to leave anybody out, really, how come there's a ton of holidays in February, nobody ever says happy holidays in February, do they, they say what it is, "happy valentines" OOH do you believe in love?) 

It's called Christmas! 

(but no body wants to say christmas,everything else but Christmas, why? I know why, you do too, it's because it's got Christ in it and after two thousand years he's still intimidating people, you see when a religious person says "I am the wayĆ¢€ people don't wanna hear it. They DON'T!) 

It's called Christmas! 

( I say you gotta say merry Christmas cuz it is! if you don't believe in it fine, but i got a flash for you, Christianity happens to be the religious heritage of my country whether you like it or not.) 

It's called Christmas! 

(so if you're not Christian or you don't like it, and you don't want Christmas to be celebrated, well then God Bless You, but if you're think you're gonna stop me from sayin it because it offends you, i gotta flash for you, Put a helmet on, cuz it's my country too.) 

It's called Christmas, what more can I say? 
It's about the birth of Christ 
and you can't take that away. 
You can call it something else, 
but that's not what it will be. 
It's called Christmas with a capital "

Friday, December 14, 2012

Uhh What?

I was taking pictures of Elijah in his rocker playing with his flashlight. And these are the kind of looks he was giving me. I guess the flash of my camera was interrupting the light of his flashlight. Haha!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Sous Chef

Elijah helped Daddy make dinner. He used the spatula and ate the spoon. I can't wait to make Christmas sugar cookies with him. Maybe he can stir and help use the cookie cutters. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

White Elephant

This weekend we went to a white elephant gift exchange party. I was #1 so I also got the the last pick. At the very end I traded my squirrel underpants for these little toys. It's a plane and car that zoom forward one their own after a little winding with the wheels.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Helping Daddy

The headlight on my car went out so Erik bought us a new one. Elijah was really missing Daddy today so he went out to the garage to help change out the old lights for new. Look at how well he holds the flashlight.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Paper Stomp

Both my boys were sick today. Elijah was feeling better before Erik...I'm not sure if Erik's better yet. Once I got home, I started to clean the kitchen which included breaking down some boxes for the trash. Elijah helped me stand on the boxes to fold them down all the way. Then he wanted to keep stomping on some paper. So I showed him different ways to stomp, tap, crinkle, and twist around on the paper.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

More Christmas Poses

I had him all dressed nice for church (after a great diaper explosion this morning) so I put out my green forest blanket and tried to get some more Christmas pictures. One main problem is I need lots of natural lighting...my living room does not have that. I may do some outside...

We won't let him touch the presents under the tree, but I let him play with this one for pictures. He loved re-sticking the bow on top. FYI, this one is for my dad/grandpa from the three of us.

And here's some proof that I'm able to get a good tree shot. Love those sparkling lights!

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Cousin Play

Our nephew, Dalton, came over for his birthday. We had pizza and played video games. Elijah loved having someone closer to his size to play with all night.

I'm still working on getting a good picture of him with the tree. I wrapped presents today so that helped add to my background a little. Can't get it un-blurry though. Plus, Elijah will only cooperate with me for about 8 pictures...limited! He is wearing his "Good Boy!" pajamas - cuteness bonus.