A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Bedtime Story

I think I read 25 books aloud tonight...and we finished most of them...and read a few of them multiple times. Also, we can't find his toothbrush. If you were one and a half, where would you put your toothbrush?

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Read to Me

Elijah will grab a book and put it in my lap and then crawl in my lap so I can read it to him. If I try to put him in my lap first or take the book from him, then we have to start over. This is a book about baby farm animals. Elijah is pointing to the baby cats which are called kittens.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


"I chose you. Before you were born, I set you apart for a special work." Jeremiah 1:5

Monday, January 28, 2013

Warm January Day

I took Elijah outside for a while this afternoon since the weather was amazing. He had a little trouble walking because of our hilly yard and long dead grass. But all was good. He got dirt on his arms and face - true boy! We watched the neighbor's dogs and played with a bunch of Erik's old golf balls. After we came inside, I noticed a tiny scratch on Elijah's hand. I asked him "Did you get a scratch while we were outside?" He said, "Yeah," and nodded his head. 

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Little Worker

Before church this morning, Elijah was playing with his work bench. He really liked hammering the nails, but then he started hammering the wall and had his hammer taken away. Currently, Elijah has a lot of things in 'toy time out' which is where we put toys that he throws or uses to hit. Don't worry...he still has plenty of items to play with.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Peyton's Birthday Party

We went over to Summer's house to celebrate Peyton's birthday (that's Elijah's cousin pictured in the blue shirt). He turned 7-years-old and had a Detroit Lions themed party today. Elijah loved playing with all the blue balloons and dancing with the older boys. He even got to wear a new Chiefs jersey that Grandma Shelly gave him.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Chili Dinner

Mommy made cookies. Daddy made chili. Elijah said "cracker" which sounded like "cack-r". These two make a crazy pair.

Thursday, January 24, 2013


We had homemade pepperoni and pineapple pizza for dinner. Elijah wanted some flour since Mommy and Daddy were playing with it. I put a dot of it on his nose. Then he played with a snowman potholder by throwing it up in the air behind his head over and over.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Winter is Brrrr

After Elijah got home from daycare, he decided to put his hat back on his head. Our house isn't cold, but he still kept his hat on for almost an hour inside. I think he just likes showing off because he knows that hats go on top of heads. That's my smart baby.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Daddy's Size

Erik left his shoes out in the living room so Elijah put them on. He started out walking and holding onto the couch. By the end of his journey, he managed to take about 8 steps out from the couch on his own. So funny! 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

New Friend

We went to watch football at my brother's house. Elijah liked playing with Aunt Katie's cats and climbing on Uncle Chad's stairs. They enjoyed watching him run around like a crazy baby.

Sip Sip

I wasn't feeling good last night, but I did take a couple pics. Here's Elijah with his sipping. Jeannie (at daycare) always says that she can't get the other kids to drink water throughout the day, but she never has that problem with Elijah.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Bath Bee

We put Elijah's bumble bee wash cloth on his hand so he could clean himself. He rubbed it on his face a couple times and thought that was awesome. I like the awkward expression he has here. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

You Hit a Double

It's Elijah in action at the plate. He steps up to the mound, sits on the floor, grabs a huge yellow bat, and swings with all his might. Look at those intense eyes. And what a great follow through. For a pitcher, he's sure got a great swing.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

TP Roll Attack

Empty toilet paper rolls are great for crafts and organizing...and wearing as a bracelet. I keep a bunch of these in a drawer in the bathroom and Elijah found one. He wore it around his arm for about 15 minutes before taking it off and throwing it on the floor. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Can you see the scratch down Elijah's nose by his right eye? That's from Lucy...the little black dog at day care. Elijah loves playing with Lucy and Lucy's toys. Whoops! I can't wait for him to be old enough to care for his own puppy.

Monday, January 14, 2013

One Minute Changes

Playing/growling with Daddy

Tired and teething

1...2...3...Be happy!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Living Room Lunch

I fed Elijah lunch in the living room. Erik played lots of peek-a-boo around his highchair. I don't think Elijah enjoyed it too much though...haha.

Saturday, January 12, 2013


Sometimes I let my baby attack me. My little hero is just practicing so he'll be able to get the bad guys. I'll be watching for that bright batbaby signal in the night's sky. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Reading Nook

Elijah finds a remote little area to sit.

Elijah reaches for a good book.

Elijah enjoys reading a good story about the night he was born.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Elijah loves playing with the Velcro on his bibs. He got them all out of the drawer and went around to each of them trying to take them apart. He even tried to put one on around his neck (cape style).

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Favorite Word

I thought he knew other words. I thought he was able to say a few. Now everything has changed. He only says 'ball'. It's his first word in the morning. He'll use 'ball' to describe any inanimate object that he could possibly throw. Every time we walk into a new place or room, he must say 'ball' because he hopes there's one there. We were flipping through a book and there was a picture of an orange. Elijah says 'ball' and points at it. He got upset that I wouldn't give him my twisty ball aka my eos chapstick. How do you teach a one-year-old that not all round objects are balls?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

S is for Snowman

After spending the day 'playing hard' at daycare, we gave Elijah a book to settle down a bit. That didn't work. But I was prepared... I bought a $1 ball at the store today so we played lots of catch. And Erik chased him around the house for a while. Elijah only had a couple short naps today and ended up going to bed 30 minutes early. See you when you wake up!

Monday, January 7, 2013


Another video! And a picture to entertain those who cannot view videos immediately. I was taping Elijah because he had been throwing magnets at the fridge to get them to stick (not that it was working). But I thought he ended up doing some cute/funny things on this clip.

"Please, can I have another animal cracker??"

Sunday, January 6, 2013

What an Arm!

At church for the second time in the nursery, our nursery workers commented on how well Elijah can throw a ball. He can throw pretty far for a 16-month-old and with good accuracy. We've had to take away several balls because he can throw hard. Right now, a ball is probably his favorite toy. I hope he likes sports. We're hoping baseball since he'll most likely be short.

Here's a rare shot of me holding Elijah. We're leaving for church and he was looking at Daddy being silly putting soap on his head.

He kept bringing me bibs and signing 'please' for me to put them on his neck. I think he was wearing 8 at one point...I couldn't fit any more on after that.

We moved the Christmas tree out of the house and put the wedge part of our sectional back in its proper spot. Elijah climbed up there to chill (almost all on his own).

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Croc Love

Daddy was playing with Elijah by tossing Kojo the Croc off his head and trying to get it on Elijah's head. Elijah thought it was so funny even though he kept getting hit by the falling pillow toy. I captured him giving Kojo some love during their little game. The pictures of him getting hit in the head were funny too.

Friday, January 4, 2013

Where's your...?

He does a great job at identifying a few body parts in this video. Check out my bonus pictures below. These pictures are from just a couple hours with Elijah this afternoon.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


How does one stand on an airplane whilst pulling it up into one's seat? Elijah has yet to figure it out. Although it did frustrate him a little bit. He seems to love piling toys in his chair and then climb on top of the lot. Silly, crazy, curious Elijah.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013


I hid his ball...then I had to do this over and over and over again and again and again.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year 2013

Last night he stayed up about 45 minutes past his bedtime to ring in the new year. Today he enjoyed playing catch all day with anyone and snacking off of everyone's plates. Poor baby had a little belly ache. Also we think he's getting more teeth with his drooling and chewing and minor whining today.