A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Double Days


I forgot to post yesterday, but I didn't forget to take a picture. Here's Elijah playing with his Mega Blocks. He's building a tower...or as he calls it a "Tow-tow" (as in the first first part of 'tower' repeated).

This is Elijah showing some love to his little brother/sister. We need to get him a baby doll so he can start practicing being a big brother.

Erik got a package in the mail today and Elijah liked playing with the wrapping and the box. I even let him color on the box for a while until he threw the blue crayon across the room. 

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

TV Repair

The TV repairman came over to our house today to fix a problem we've been having with it for a month or so. Elijah loved seeing the inside of the TV. He kept bending down and asking "What's that?" each time the repairman used a tool. Elijah did a good job by staying away and not touching the TV.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Frozen Seat

Look at this grip his has on the pen. I think that's pretty good for a one-year-old.

Erik took some food out of the freezer to defrost it and Elijah decided that the bottom of the freezer would make a good seat. He was upset when we asked him to close the door.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day

We went to my parents' house for dinner on Memorial Day. Elijah is staying the night there so Grandpa can babysit tomorrow since our daycare provider is taking a long weekend. Here's Elijah playing with his tools that make crazy loud sounds. We miss you, baby! See you tomorrow after work.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Summer's Birthday

We went out to a Japanese steak house tonight to celebrate Summer's birthday. Elijah's first time at one went well. He liked the fire and watching the food cooked right in front of us, but he got scared a little when he was throwing shrimp for everyone to catch with our mouths. Then we went to Summer's house and played on cousin Peyton's swings and slide.

Saturday, May 25, 2013


So I'm sitting in my spot on the couch and Elijah gets out the coffee can and bucket. Before he has them placed on the floor, he's pointing to my right saying, "Picture." I look over to my right and see my camera. As soon as he gets his throne set up, I take his picture. Then I take a few close ups and we play with the little green light that my camera shines on its target. I go to put my camera away and Elijah starts whining. I don't understand him, but I know what he wants. Sorry, maybe later we can take more pictures. The only time he has ever asked me to take his picture is the few times that he's made himself this exact seat...strange. 

Friday, May 24, 2013

Brushing Teeth

Cleaning Elijah's teeth can go one way or another. He might cooperate and let you brush all his teeth or he could fight you by running away and refusing to open his mouth. I always let him get his toothbrush and toothpaste out of the drawer and let him brush his teeth a little before putting those items away.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Shoes Don't Fit

We couldn't play at the park today because it was a mess (perhaps a bloody mess?). So we walked all the way there and back (2 blocks there, 2 blocks back) and made that our adventure instead. Elijah and I played in our driveway for a little before we were too chilly...even with jackets. The video is when we came inside and Elijah found Daddy's shoes. He loves trying to use anything that is not his, not a toy, or not for babies.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Juice Box

After a couple hours of playing outside, Elijah enjoys some flavored water from a Clifford juice box. He only squirted a little on his shirt and did a good job with using the straw.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Dunking Dirt

We played outside after work/daycare today. I was hoping to get a little sun before the storm, but it never stormed so we stayed out for a long time. Elijah can practically dunk his ball!

Then Elijah sat in some mud so I wiped off his pants and hands (per his request). However, maybe a minute later, he discovered the pot of mud and a piece of plastic that he used as a shovel. Needless to say, when we came in Elijah was wiped down with a wet rag to get all the sunscreen and mud off his body.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Shoe Catch

As I was folding laundry, Elijah was trying out my shoes. How are those wedges working for you? He walked up and down the hallway with them on a couple times but took them off as soon as he saw my camera. And the video is Daddy and Elijah playing catch because this little boy had way too much energy today.

Saturday, May 18, 2013


We brought Elijah's basketball hoop outside and let him shoot around with his new little playground ball. This picture is how he spent some time watching Daddy try to make a basket. He's holding a softball that he liked to put in the glove and carry around. He loves being outside and cried every time we have to go back in the house. I hope he continues to enjoy the outdoors. Can't wait for him to climb trees!

Friday, May 17, 2013

Driving with Flashing Colors

This gift was for Erik and we used the flashing car to get Elijah to crawl on his own. Elijah loves to play with it, but I think he'd enjoy it more if it wasn't broken. Birthday/Christmas gift??

Thursday, May 16, 2013


After playing outside on our back deck, Elijah had fun stacking these blocks. He also enjoyed knocking down his tower...so I showed him how to kick the tower over too.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Clean Tub

I gave Elijah the washcloth so he could clean his face. He put it on his face for a second, then decided to clean the tub. I should have given him the Magic Eraser.

The pipes started making some noises so Elijah turns to me and asks, "What's that?" I'm not sure why that question requires him to make this face, but it's so funny.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Tree Pose

It's crazy how much this picture looks like I set it up. However...Elijah was walking around with his stick and just sat down on the bottom of the tree, looked over at me, and smiled. I only had one shot at him because he started flinging the stick around right after this pic. Look at those rosy cheeks. I think he got my skin that easily turns red.

Monday, May 13, 2013

On or Through

During dinner Elijah tried to shove his oranges through the top of his sippy. At first he was grunting so hard because he really thought it would go through. Then he saw Mommy and Daddy laughing so he started laughing too and exaggerating his noises and actions. What a little entertainer!  

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day #2

Happy Mother's Day! And a bonus video "What's that?" from yesterday.

Saturday, May 11, 2013


Erik was outside mowing our yard today and Elijah was really upset when he went outside. He watched Daddy mow the entire front yard while standing on the couch looking out the window. Then he watched out the back door when Daddy was mowing back there. Over the entire time that Erik was mowing, Elijah only stopped watching for a few minutes to have me get him some milk in his sippy cup. I think someone wants to be just like Daddy.

Friday, May 10, 2013


Elijah tries to say his own name but I haven't got it on video yet. It sounds like "Ji zah" or "Li ah". I had to asked Erik, "Is he saying his name?" Yes, yes he was.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Dirt Run

It may have rained last night and we may have the highest weeds around, but we still played outside today. Elijah threw a golf ball in the mud and didn't like getting mud all over his hands when he picked it up. How does he clean his hands? Licking them. Good idea...you just ate mud. He didn't like the taste of the mud.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Through the Legs

Please ignore the blurriness of this picture and pay attention to the cuteness of a toddler peeking through his legs upside down at his mommy. Random lil' guy.

Monday, May 6, 2013

Peyton's Game

We went to watch Elijah's cousin Peyton play machine pitch baseball at the park today. Elijah liked playing on the bleachers, tossing the ball with Daddy, and playing in the dirt with a stick.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Snack Time

A few months ago, we had to put these no-spill snack holders away because Elijah kept spilling them. He would hold two of the flaps in and swing it around resulting in several snacks all over the floor. Now that he's older, we might be able to correct that behavior if he tries it again. So far, no problems. Enjoy those Teddy Grahams.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

All Play

He was just running back and forth throwing the ball and chasing it. Check out his feet. We could only find one slipper today and he wanted to wear it. Yes, he wore one slipper on one foot all day long.

I don't really understand this craze. He sits on something with his legs up like this and then asks me to take his picture. I took three pictures and he was still wanting me to take more. Of course,  he was giving me this awful "cheese" face. Natural smiles are so hard to get once they understand what a camera is.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Night Prayers

Before we lay Elijah down for bed, we say our nighttime prayers. Usually, Erik or I prays and Elijah says "Mama mama mama dada dada dada..." but tonight he said "Mama mama mama dada dada dada jeep jeep jeep dada dada." I'm just glad he prays for the things he's thankful for.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

All Done

Elijah finishes his dinner and says "All done!" so he can get out of his highchair. I don't know if he's excited about finishing his food or because he's ready for bath time. It's cute either way.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


One of Elijah's favorite things to do outside is listen to all the noises. We heard cars driving, trucks beeping while backing up, the mailman using his breaks, birds chirping, dogs barking, the wind blowing, and we heard Elijah's favorite: airplanes! He loves trying to spot them in the sky. Sometimes we can see them and sometimes we can't, but we live close enough to the airport that we usually hear at least one airplane if we're outside for 15 minutes or so.