A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Craving Attention

I didn't blog yesterday because we were getting Eva's newborn pictures taken and didn't get home until late. This picture is from yesterday before lunch. Elijah thought he was so funny when he put his legs over the side of his highchair. 

This is what Eva did all day today which is the complete opposite of yesterday. Today she was only awake for about 3 hours and was eating every 2.5 hours. Every time she was sleeping, I was able to lay her down with no problems. Yesterday, she wanted to be held whether she was sleeping or awake and she was eating every 2 hours. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

Learning and Growing

Today I had Elijah working on fine motor skills. Ok, he asked me to get out the beads and he pushed his highchair into the living room so I could tape the shoelaces to his tray. He liked stacking the beads, swishing them around on his tray, and stringing them on the shoelace. 

Eva had her two week check up at the doctor's office today. She is now 8 lbs and 10 oz...the doctor was very impressed with how well she is gaining weight for being exclusively breastfed. For weight, she was in the 23rd percentile when she was born and now she's in the 50th percentile. Keep it up lil' girl!

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Lazy Sunday

After I took Eva off the Boppy, Elijah stepped in her place. He knew he was being cute, and posed for a picture.

We're borrowing a bed from Cousin Ellis. Hopefully, Eva will like sleeping in it tonight.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Floating Away

Eva Faith is sporting her purple headband and fishy outfit.

Elijah John flipped his ball pit upside down and pretended he was flying a hot air balloon.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Bonus: Elijah Singing

Elijah singing "Jesus Loves Me." At the end he says "this I know!" Don't forget to see my earlier post for today. And for pictures of Elijah and Eva and Ellis, go to my Facebook.

Couch & Blankets

When Elijah sits on the couch, he uses a blanket as a cape and plays on his phone.

Mommy sets up a blanket on the couch for Eva and she gives us a cute smile.

Thursday, October 24, 2013


Elijah wanted to read a book to Eva. It went well until Eva started crying.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Head Covers

Elijah found his hat and let me put it on him. I don't know what this expression is all about, but he was taking his sippy from yesterday to the sink so he could put his sippy for today in the cup holder.

I love this little outfit that Eva wore on our little trip today. We (me and both kids) went to Wal-Mart and the breastfeeding support group at the hospital. That was an adventure! At the hospital Eva weighed 8lbs and 1oz (she was 7lbs 12oz at birth). We are very excited that she has already passed her birth weight and hope she continues to grow at a good rate.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Sharing Blanket

Eva laying on Elijah's hot air balloon blanket. I got several "That's my blanket!" from Elijah for letting his sister use his blanket.

Throwback: Elijah laying on the blanket.

He was begging me to take pictures of him 'driving' his ball pit.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Mommy survived her first day alone with both kids since Daddy had to go back to work today. We all had a good day until about 4pm when Elijah started going crazy. This picture is from the morning. Elijah loves giving Eva kisses on the lips. When she's sleeping I let him give her feet kisses. Today when I was in the other room, Elijah comes running to me saying, "She touched me...on the HEAD!" He loves her...but still doesn't understand that his Mommy and Daddy are also her Mommy and Daddy.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Doll Tape

Eva is chillin' on the couch with her doll after we went to church.

Elijah found a cassette tape in his radio/CD/tape player. He took apart this one...it was so old that it didn't work anyway. 

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Eva & Eva

GG and Aunt Kass came over for a visit. We were able to clean up the basement just enough so everyone had a seat. Baby Eva loved having GG hold her. She only cried when it was time for them to leave...because she's going to miss them so much. Elijah even leaned in through GG's car window to give her good-bye kisses.

Friday, October 18, 2013


I don't know how I'm going to continue my posting. One of each kid. Alternate which kid gets a picture. Get pictures of them together. Who knows?

Where's Elijah?

There he is!

Thursday, October 17, 2013


While Eva was napping, I noticed her hands in little fists up against her cheeks just begging for a picture.

Be sure to check out my post earlier today: Pumpkin Patch.

Pumpkin Patch

I wasn't able to post the pictures of when we went to the pumpkin patch a few weekends ago. Elijah wasn't too thrilled with the petting zoo area. He liked looking at the animals but wasn't interested in petting many of the animals. His favorites were the piggies and rabbits.

They had a few of these picture boards around so we made Elijah stick his head in one. You can tell that he had no clue what was going on.

There was a little wooden train for us to climb on. Elijah liked being in the front, climbing on the seats, and playing with the wheel.

There was a hayride to go out to the actual pumpkin patch. Elijah likes to say that we rode on the tractor.

It took us a little while to find the perfect pumpkin. Elijah didn't like some of them because they were too big or dirty. Finally, we found a great pumpkin that was 'clean' and that Elijah was able to carry.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Eva's ready to go on our first outing. Daddy took Mommy to Old Navy for her birthday. Eva slept most of the time we were out.

Daddy enjoys getting cuddle time with both his kids. We even had Elijah say "Cheese."

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Home Changes

Elijah and Daddy lay in the ocean just like they did when Elijah was Eva's age.

Elijah likes to watch his little sister. He got her this little doll and always gives it to her when she doesn't have it. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

Baby Eva!

Eva Faith Larry was born on October 12, 2013. She weighed 7 lbs and 12 oz and was 21 inches long. I lost a lot of blood during delivery so we've had to be extra careful with my movement and such. Eva was found to be coombs positive at birth which means she was likely to be jaundice so we started supplementing her feedings with formula. Her blood is being tested frequently and so far she's been only slightly jaundice...we'll find out tomorrow if anything has changed. We're home now and ready for all the new adjusting we'll have to do. Elijah loved giving Eva a new doll and helping Mommy rock her in the swing.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Still Here

I don't think Elijah colored at all today, but he did dump out his colors and put them away several times. He even asked Daddy and Mommy to "Color with me!" but he was quickly distracted by something else. Elijah's very into Daddy cuddles right now and gets jealous if I sit by Erik. He says, "My Daddy." Then I say, "My husband." I don't think he understands...

The lack of me posting every day is due to my camera being packed in my hospital bag and our entire family being sick. You can expect a picture overload soon though.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Book Line

Mommy: Wow! You have a lot of books.
Elijah: Uh-huh.
Mommy: Do you like to read?
Elijah: No.
Mommy: Do you like to look at your books?
Elijah: No.
Mommy: That's a long line of books!
Elijah: Line books!
Mommy: Do you like to line up your books?
Elijah: Uh-huh!
Elijah (picks up a book): My book!

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Getting Brrr

We had a very busy Saturday. Erik got new tires put on his Jeep. I had to wait for an hour to get a new driver's license. We headed home for lunch and Elijah took an extra long nap. Then we went to Carolyn's Pumpkin Patch and let Elijah pick out his own pumpkin. He didn't want a big one or a dirty one, but we finally found the perfect one. After that, we dropped Elijah off at Aunt Summer's house (this picture was taken by her) and she watched Elijah so Erik and I could have a date night for our anniversary. This is of Elijah with his cousin Peyton after playing with paint dots. 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Veggie Books

When Elijah wants to read a book, he likes to cuddle next to Mommy. Today we read a Bible story (until Mommy's throat hurt too much) and Elijah read me Veggie Tales. He likes to point to his favorite pictures and ask me about the pictures that look interesting.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Living Room

I've had a cold and today it got worse so I went home early from work. Being pregnant and sick at the same time is not fun. I'm thankful for my husband who helps out when I'm not able. Elijah was running around wearing his blanket cape. And, yes, that is part of a crib in the living room. It will be moved to the nursery once I'm feeling well enough and have some time to finish painting (just a second coat for the shelves and touch ups around the room). It was at this time during my pregnancy with Elijah that my water broke (37 weeks and 1 day). I need to get over this cold before I go into labor.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013


He's so proud to be drinking juice out of a big boy cup. He only spilled a little when he took a quick drink. So for the rest of the night he kept saying "Juice. Superman" because the juice spilled down his face onto his Superman underwear.