A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Good Friday

I'm glad Elijah was in a good mood today because Eva was having tummy issues so I couldn't split my attention between them evenly. He loved interacting with Eva all day by laying by her, giving her toys, putting blankets on her, playing music for her, and making her laugh by smiling and laughing.

Eva went through several shirts today and two pairs of pants, but she kept her pink booties on all day long. Her onesie here says 'I'm new here' with a picture of a hot air balloon. Elijah liked that. She has a doctor appointment on the 13th...hopefully we can get a prescription for her eczema. 

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Before and After AWANA

Eva girl in her car seat ready to go to AWANA.

Elijah in the church hallway after Puggles at AWANA.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tigger to Bed

I only have one picture for tonight because Eva girl is already asleep and I didn't have my camera out earlier. But Elijah is looking very cute here in his Tigger pjs. Tonight he wanted to watch "Spider" (the itsy bitsy one) before being tucked in. TTFN - ta ta for now!

Monday, January 27, 2014


Elijah had a rough time finding the other snail card when we were playing his card game.

Eva watched her crazy brother from the safe zone aka Mommy's lap.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Awake Maybe

Elijah woke up from his nap and came right out to the living room on his own. This is way better than what he was doing...sitting up in bed crying/whining until someone went in to carry him into the living room (after naps only). In the morning, he just gets up out of bed to find us or we wake him up if he sleeps too long. Since he did a good job today after nap, he got chocolate milk!

Eva likes to lay like this. Sometimes it's because she's scratching her cheeks. Other times I think she's trying to roll over.

And here she is just being cute.

Saturday, January 25, 2014


We went to celebrate Peyton's 8th birthday. It was all about the Royals and baseball. I think Elijah had too much sugar while we were there...

Elijah had some candy from the pinata. He loved playing with all the balloons they had. Then the boys enjoyed some cake and ice cream. Elijah spent the rest of the afternoon running around with other sugar-filled kids.

I think baby girl is going through another growth spurt. She's eating very frequently, being fussy, and sleeping a lot. I guess we shall see how her clothes are fitting next week.

Friday, January 24, 2014

2 Kids and a Blanket

Right after Elijah woke up, I finished getting Eva dressed and he held her in his lap for a little bit. Look at her cute footies!

I was trying to get a cute picture, but I got static messy hair, spit-up shirt, and strange faces. Some day we'll try this shot for real with cute outfits and someone to help me get cute smiles.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Playing Together

Elijah decided to play with Eva during her tummy time on the Boppy. Elijah put her giraffe in front of the Boppy and Eva ended up falling forward trying to get it in her mouth.

Later in the morning, we had puzzle time. I would hand Elijah the next puzzle piece and he would put it in all by himself. When we were down to the last 4 or so pieces, he put them in without much help from me (besides suggesting that he turn the piece). Eva watched the fun from her blanket on the floor.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Goodnight Little Ones

My boy is all ready for bed. Dinner...check. Bath...check. Teeth brushed...check. Pajamas...check. Digger videos...check. One final drink of water...check. Tucked into bed with his 30 stuffed animals...check. Lights off, hugs, and kisses...check.

My girl has been sleeping in her crib for almost a week now. She does wake up more during the night, but last night she was able to get herself back to sleep quickly every time. I didn't even need to get up! She is also being consistent with going to bed at the same time. Hopefully, this is a routine that stays around for a while because I love having both kids in bed by 7pm.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Past Flash

Here's another partially Photoshop picture. They still haven't posted my contest entry.

Anyone recognize this kid? It's Elijah at 3 months old. He couldn't even talk or fall asleep without a pacifier and now he says, "Goodnight, Eva," then goes to his big boy bed.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Stuffed Cuddles

I borrowed some of Elijah's stuffed animals for a photo shoot with Eva so I let him play around on the rocking chair for a few pictures as well.

I also messed around with some Photoshop. This is not the picture I'm putting in the contest but I think the 'poster' look is cute with her chewing on her tutu. I'll let you know when I enter the contest so you can go and vote for Eva.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Thursday, January 16, 2014


Elijah had his giraffe knocking on the ark. I guess he was almost left behind in the flood. Finally, he knocked so hard that the ark tipped over. Elijah thought that was hilarious.

My little spit up queen didn't want to be held at all this morning, but wanted to be held all afternoon. She knows what she wants...and gets it. Love your bright eyes!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Clean Teeth

He loves saying "Grrrrr!" when we want to brush his front teeth. Today he was so distracted by his own grrr-ing that he fell over. Then we let him finish brushing his teeth.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Quick Night

Elijah eats a yummy breakfast burrito then 'cleans' his highchair tray by rubbing the burrito all over it. I think it's great that he wants to clean.

I only get to see my kids for a couple hours on days that I work. Not a fan. Eva didn't like being away from Mommy today. She had trouble taking a bottle again. I hope this doesn't happen every week.

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Eva's 3 Month

Happy 3 months to little Eva Faith!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Behind the Scenes

3 month photo shoot with Roni

Elijah and Daddy had a good time while Mommy and Eva were gone.

Friday, January 10, 2014

At Home

Elijah wanted to hold Eva while sitting in his rocking chair. But then she kept putting her arm in his face. He didn't like that.

Cutie! A volunteer at the hospital where I work made this hat for Eva.

I love being able to stay at home for extra days each week. This is what happens between feeding, potty training, diaper-ness, changing clothes, and housework.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Keep Warm

Last night Eva wore her snowflake blanket pajamas. I wanted to make sure she stayed nice and warm while it was freezing (brrrrr) outside. Thankful that our heater is on and working well.

Elijah ate more than I did at dinner. We had the same amount of biscuits and gravy and he also had a banana. His poor stomach was sticking far out. Here he is in his highchair inspecting my camera.

Tonight Eva girl is in another warm sleeper blanket. This one even has a giraffe on it so she matches her bedroom. Good night, Eva! 

Monday, January 6, 2014


I survived my first day back at work...all 10 hours...which is actually around 11 hours away from my kids. Elijah loved being back at day care with his friends, but Gui Gui wasn't there because he's in the hospital with RSV. Hopefully, he'll be back soon and feeling better. When we were back at home for the evening, Erik decided he would bench our toddler. Good idea? During bath time Elijah was singing "I will make you fishers of men, if you follow me. If you follow me!"

Eva girl survived the coldest day that we've had in 20 years. Everyone at work was worried about her being out in the cold. We had her in her car seat with a blanket and her warm car seat cover. She did well at day care and took her bottles. She even made it through the day without having to change her clothes (she went through a couple bibs though).

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Back to Work

I'm going to miss these two kids so much when I return to work tomorrow. I'm very thankful that I get to spend more time with them each week because I am now working 30 hours a week and I was working 40 hours a week. I hope the day goes by quickly. Pray for me.

Saturday, January 4, 2014


I make sure my kids are safe by having them wear safety goggles. In other news, Eva has been cooing a lot lately and even had a few giggles this week. "Ahhh goo..." is her favorite word. Elijah had 3 potty accidents today. He had a trip to Wal-Mart without an accident and we played in the snow for a half hour without an accident. 

Friday, January 3, 2014

Chair Nap

Yes, this happened. Both kids sleeping in seats in the living room before lunch. Elijah had 5 potty accidents today: the clean up from one is shown here. Eva had a stomach / spit up issue for half the morning. But this picture is proof of the 20 minutes that I had to fix and eat my lunch.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Bye Christmas

Elijah could not comprehend why we were taking down all the Christmas decorations. He had a hard enough time understanding why we put up the decorations in the first place. He did enjoy helping Mommy take things down all day and cleaning with Daddy.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year - 2014

The Eva ladies looking good.

Aunt Kass holding the toddler.

The living room is full of people with presents.

Ellis and her mommy show off some gifts.

Elijah got Andrew's tricycle...looks brand new.

Grandma with sleeping Eva.