A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Rolling Blanket

Eva enjoyed her tummy time a lot today. If you didn't see it on Facebook, Eva officially rolled over from back to belly! She's done it twice in her sleep before today. But this time was for sure all her while she was awake. This milestone is reached as early as 4 months old, but our little girl isn't 4 months old until the 12th. Overachiever! 

Elijah was playing with some paper, standing near the couch, and talking to himself. I heard him say, "Obey Mommy and Daddy." I guess that rule is starting to sink in.

Elijah takes Eva's giraffe print blanket to the laundry basket because it's dirty and asks if he can get out a new blanket. I let him. He comes out carrying this (photo above) blanket and says, "The Wal-Mart blanket!" This (photo below) is the Wal-Mart logo.

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