A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Saucer Work

Not only is our baby girl crawling, but she's also crawling in and out of the bottom of her standing saucer. She can even crawl up on Elijah's bed (a mattress on the floor).

Elijah's playing with his truck puzzle pieces. They're working.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Give a Kid a Phone


Elijah, whilst playing on his phone, says, "Eva wants to sit by me. Put her on the couch." Then he shows off how he won his matching game on his phone.

Eva wants a turn! Elijah yells, "E-va!" I take Eva off the couch for safety. 

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Crawling & Quotes

Eva's crawl is already a step past the army crawl. Her legs are going at the same time...with lots of help from her toes. She's getting fast too.

Morning park play! There was lots of shade covering the entire play area. Another kid knocked Elijah off the bottom of the slide when they were both trying to climb up the slide. Elijah told me that story about 7 times today...and I was there when it happened.

Too bad the slide was really the only age appropriate equipment for Elijah. They have a cool light sensor game, but we couldn't get the game to work and Elijah's too small to play well anyway. There were also these awesome climbing ropes, but Elijah could only crawl around the bottom section.

Elijah: "When I was old like you, I played soccer like this."

Me: "Hold on, buddy. I'm tired."
Elijah: "No!! Don't take a sleep!"

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Toss Ball

The 1st bucket is worth 1 point and the 2nd bucket is worth 2 points. Stand behind the blanket on the floor and toss the ball. Yes, he's in a pull-up. We've been having potty problems lately.

This skirt finally fits her. It's size 6-12 months. I'm glad it doesn't slide off and doesn't get in the way of her new crawling. She's getting good at flat crawling (not army crawl or baby crawl or bear crawl) around the room.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Summer Days

After her dip in the pool...

Sunday morning before church.

JE gave Erik a beach towel from the Dominican Republic. 

If you are on the floor in our house, you will get crawled on.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

1st Day of Summer

We buy a new kiddie pool each year because we can't seem to buy a good lasting one. This year we spent our money on a cheap hard plastic one and put it on the back deck. No leaning/spilling, not full of grass and leaves, so far so good.

Last year for Elijah's birthday, we asked for money for a swing set. It's mostly up. Eva even got a swing for it! I'm sitting on a swing that's meant for standing on.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Park Play

3 posts today! Scroll down to see the others. Here is Elijah and his friend, Sommer, running to the park. Their birthdays are just a few days apart.

He's getting better at pumping his legs for the swings. Sommer showed Elijah how to use the ladder to get to the slide. The playground had a sign saying this equipment was for 5-12 year olds.

Our little girls can both sit well now too! Lydia is a crawler and Eva is the roller. These girls are about 6 weeks apart in age (Eva's older).

GG & Kass Dinner

We had dinner at Kass and GG's. Look at all the fun going on here!

Of course, I always get a picture of GG Eva with baby Eva.

1st Zoo Trip

There's a lot of pictures! Mostly different ones than on my Facebook.
KC Zoo, here we come!

First stop: otters!

We saw the penguins next. Elijah didn't like watching them swim..he liked the waddles.

Jumping on rocks near the elephants.

Suspension bridge! Bumpy and wobbly!

Sign reads: Animals may not be visible today due to the weather.
The giant tortoises were still out and about. Can you see him?

Can you find all 3 male lions? No manes because they were neutered at birth.

The giraffes and zebras were far away.

The boys with Africa in the background. You can see the sky safari on the right.

Lunch time!

Both kids got to ride back to the kid zone out of Africa.

Free ride because he's so young!

Show me the monkeys!

Sleepy time.

Up close with the birds.

We got to see some snakes, birds, kangaroos, tigers, and monkeys in Australlia.

We saw the polar bear twice!

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

8 Month Giraffe Outtakes

She really wants to play!

Hand behind head. Rocking the model pose!

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Coins Found

Every time we find extra coins, we let Elijah put them in his piggy bank. I asked him what money is for. He said, "To put in my piggy so nobody eats it."

I guess this little girl is money hungry...haha.

Monday, June 16, 2014

After Day Care

I picked the kids up from day care today. I could not explain that Daddy was at the dentist. I tried many ways to explain it...none worked. Elijah remembers when he went to the dentist but still didn't understand why Daddy went to the dentist. In this picture Elijah is making me a sandwich - a piece of play wood in a book. Yum! Eva girl is jumping and watching Daddy cook.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Father's Day

Eva and cousin Ellis.

Eva with Grandpa! (My Dad!)

Elijah and Daddy!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Generations Day!

Three generations traveled to the great land of Zona Rosa for a day of shopping and fountain play.

Eva didn't like the big fountains...especially when they splashed her. She seemed to enjoy watching them instead.

Elijah loved it! I'm sure he'll be talking about this for a long time. Thanks to my mom for the fantastic day!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Wii +

1st we made Elijah his very own Wii player to use during the sports games.

2nd we tried bowling but forgot about how difficult pressing and releasing the buttons were.

3rd we tried tennis which only has a button to serve. Elijah scored many aces and had a couple returns!

The Wii games and this pic were from several days ago...last weekend...choo choo!

Welcome to today! I had Eva in jeans and socks because it was a chilly morning. Both kids were whiny/crazy/misbehaving all day.

Pizza for dinner! On the floor in the living room!

Eva was staring at Elijah, but then he told her to look at me.

A video of every day life at our house.