A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Energy and Snow

Here are a few pictures/videos to catch up from the last few days. Eva had some crackers for a snack in the living room because Elijah said she had to watch a doggie Christmas movie with him.

This is the only kind of Santa baby that I like!

Welcome to the Larry family home school. We do our calendar daily, and Elijah almost knows the days of the week. This week we are learning the letter "Y" and practicing 4 sight words. As always, we do some kind of art project. This week we finger paint, color, and cut Play Doh with scissors.

Our kids were very excited about playing outside in the snow. Eva even left her hat on her head the entire time.

Elijah was so happy that he posed for pictures for me.

He's showing me his mittens and a snowball (but it fell).

I brought Eva and some snow inside to play. She loved playing with the snow and trying to squish it. She did not like eating it...although she put it in her mouth many, many times. 

The next day, I let Elijah explore the front yard. He loved making fresh snow footprints and snow angels. 

Notice how this long present is missing some wrapping paper. Eva must be ready for Christmas, but she doesn't know that this present is for me. She is also climbing on them all the time. Good thing we have a sturdy long box in the front of the tree.

Eva's learning how to jump, and Elijah's showing her his funny jumps and kicks and spins.

The kids and their similar sock monkeys are dancing to Christmas music (I don't think you can hear it though).

Eva is being silly while playing with the blankets.

Monday, December 15, 2014

Card & Nothing

On our way home from small group, Elijah said we needed to make his friend Taylor a card. She wasn't there last night because she wasn't feeling well. We made her a card this afternoon.

Eva's trying to get on the couch with nothing to help her.

She made it! She climbed up all by herself. Looks like extra couch supervision will be required from now on.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Up and Truck

Everything's a climbing thing. All of these were successful climbing helpers that Eva used to get onto the couch. First up was a Veggie Tales stacking block.

Then she used the good ol' caterpillar, which is actually meant for climbing.

She used the drum many times before it was taken away.

Now, even a folded bunched up blanket works. Since these items, she has also used a present from under the tree, a small giraffe toy, and Mommy and Daddy to climb on the couch and/or side table.

Elijah has discovered the joys of swinging. He swings toys from strings or hangs his whistle from other toys and flings them all around.

Friday, December 12, 2014

Christmas Lights

We visited GG and Kass to see all of the Christmas decorations and play with our family. Elijah found the train and finally shared one part of it with Eva.

Kass helped Elijah build a slope for his skier to slide down.

Eva girl climbed on everything, sat in every chair, and handed out all the snowmen to GG.

Then, we went to see the Christmas lights at Christmas in the Park. Our Google maps directions led us to a road they had closed. We saw several other cars lost with us who must have been using Google maps as well.

After waiting in the car line for about 45 minutes, we were finally inside to see the 'moving' light displays. The trumpet here was one of my favorites.

Eva girl woke up to see the lights and kept saying "Woof, woof!" at her favorite lights.

Elijah said the train was one of his favorites.

We took the Jeep so the kids would have a good view.

The race car was another of Elijah's favorites, and I think Erik liked it the most too.

This scene has gingerbread men on a teeter-totter, a gingerbread house, a gingerbread man on a trampoline, and an airplane taking off with Santa inside.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Dance, Clap & Cheeks (videos)

Rolling the cookie dough.

Cutting out Christmas cookies!

She's getting too smart with the slide. We had to move it to the attic for a while.

It's called Christmas with a capital C. Dance!

They clap. We clap.

I guess we call her Cheeky Cheeks...?

Friday, December 5, 2014

Plane Bounce

Elijah's Lego plane!

She climbed on the couch again.

She plays guitar with her feet.


Thursday, December 4, 2014

What's That?

Elijah helped Mommy decorate the tree. He was able to put a few ornaments on the tree like his first Christmas picture on a train ornament and this ball that says 'Happy Birthday, Jesus!' We're getting new ornaments for this year tomorrow.

Moose Elijah!

Eva's new phrase is "What's that?" and she will ask that each time she sees the Christmas tree...or any light...or basically anything. Here she is reading one of her favorite books.

I love these leggings! Eva's brushing her teeth with her fun banana brush while standing on the slide and listening to Christmas music.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Eva moved the slide and climbed up on the couch. She sat down and picked up the TV remote. Elijah thought that was cool, so he climbed up to sit by her and grabbed another remote control. 

Monday, December 1, 2014


Pajama party! (last night)

A small fall on Erik's toes made a long scratch...minor bleeding.

We had to teach him how to rip...and we did practice ripping.

Our advent calendar: a Bible verse each night and a new magnet to play on the nativity.