A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Teeth Smile

Look at all of Eva's teeth. If you look close enough, you may be able to see her newest tooth coming in on the bottom row.

We had a long day finding carpet for the basement, having lunch with Aunt Kass, and shopping for school things. This little boy napped in the car and continued his nap at home.

Friday, April 24, 2015

The Foot Book

Throwing Eva girl in the air so she can touch the ceiling.

There's so much to learn about feet!

Red feet. Black feet. 

Measuring Elijah's foot: 6 1/2 inches, 9 stickers, 7 noodles, 20 beads.
We also practiced left and right, learned parts of the foot, and opposites.

Family movie night: watching "Up" and eating pizza!

We love eating on the living room floor.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Still Here

It's been a full past month for our family. I was going back to full-time at my job. I also bought a new computer because my old one was old and very slow. The screen on the new computer had a small problem that could grow into a large problem, so we ordered another new laptop for me and returned the other 'new' one. The kids' cousin Ellis turned 2-years-old. The following day GG (my Grandmother Eva) passed away. Elijah understands that GG is in heaven now. Needless to say, this blog has taken a backseat to our lives. Here are some catch up photos. The first group is from Ellis' birthday and the next ones are from our trip to the zoo a couple days later.

Ellis wearing GG's bracelet.

Eva loves pushing the stroller. Ellis loved taking it up and down the driveway.

Ellis got a big wagon.

We love to swing!

Park at the zoo.

Pointing at the little monkeys.

Feeding the goats.

There's a monkey right there.

It's rhino feeding time. They have 4 rhinos at the zoo, but we usually see this one. Rhinos don't live in groups, so the zookeepers only put one out at a time. This is the girl...the boys don't like it out here very much and it's very difficult to lead a rhino where it doesn't want to go.

Giraffes - view from above in the Sky Safari.

Bud-Do's first trip in the air. He loved it.

We had to walk pretty far down the fence to see the elephants.