A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Shelf Seat

If you follow my blog at all, then you know how much Elijah loves sitting on these shelves. Now he's figured out how to get up on the higher shelf. He even tried to bring a book up with him but that didn't last long. It was too hard to climb up in the tiny shelf with something already sitting on it, then it slid off and Elijah's slippery pants made him slide off too. So I decided that upper shelf sitting might be a little too dangerous.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Roar Giggles

Elijah would put his finger in Erik's mouth and Erik would roar and 'eat' it. Elijah thought that was hilarious. Most of the pictures I took were of the top of Elijah's head because he kept bending over in laughter.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Appliance Hat

The boys were able to enjoy a snow day at home together. Erik cleaned the stove and Elijah helped by wearing part of it on his head. What a trendsetter! 

Monday, February 25, 2013


While we were watching the snow fall, Elijah kept saying 'snooooow' over and over. It sounds a lot like 'no' but if you can speak toddler, then you can tell the difference. Erik took him outside as the big flakes were falling and they threw some snowballs. Elijah was very upset that he had to go back inside. I think he's starting to really like God's white blanket. 

Sunday, February 24, 2013


We are teaching Elijah to catch...I'm not sure what age most kids learn that, but he's getting close to catching as long as we throw perfectly. This is his catching stance....baseball much? MLB here we come. Hope the Royals are good by 2030.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

A Way Out

Elijah was sitting in the laundry basket so we decided to throw a blanket on top like a mini fort for him. He thought it was fun but had a hard time figuring out how to move the blanket away so he could escape.

Friday, February 22, 2013


We're working hard at learning those ABCs. Elijah's studying in his favorite spot for our upcoming quiz. He likes to 'sign' with me while I sing the song to him.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Snow Drifts

I put pictures on Facebook if you want to see those. Here's a video of our trip outside. We didn't stay out long because it was windy and snow kept blowing in our faces. Also, Elijah lost a mitten while trying to touch the snow...he was not fond of the cold, wet feeling.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Reading and doing a puzzle.

Sliding and playing baseball.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Balloon Toss

Elijah was running around like crazy, tossing his balloon and losing it and bouncing it and throwing it and squeezing it. I'm surprised he hasn't popped one yet.

Monday, February 18, 2013


I read him Hermie, then he read it to me.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Milk Mustache

Who shared some cereal with Daddy? The evidence is in the slim milk mustache.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


I had the privilege of spending all day with Elijah. He was hungry all day - catching up from not eating so well when he was sick, I guess. And tonight Elijah will hang out with Great Aunt Kass and GG (Great Grandma). 

I did Photoshop this picture a little.

No doubt about it: children are a gift from the Lord; the fruit of the womb is a divine reward. ~Psalm 127:3

Friday, February 15, 2013

One and a Half!

 Elijah is 18 months old today. Erik gave him a shoe box to celebrate...well, Erik's new shoes came in a box and we let Elijah play with it. First Elijah sat in the box, then he grabbed all the toys within reach and piled them in his lap. He also thought it was hilarious when he rolled backward out of the box. Poor little box is now ripped in at least 4 places...almost flat as a pancake.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's 2013

For Valentine's Day, Elijah got some balloons to play with and sports tattoos. I put the baseball tattoo on his hand today. He also received a few cards and candy.

Love is patient, love is kind, it isn't jealous, it doesn't brag, it isn't arrogant, it isn't rude, it doesn't seek its own advantage, it isn't irritable, it doesn't keep a record of complaints, it isn't happy with injustice, but it is happy with the truth. Love puts up with all things, trusts in all things, hopes for all things, endures all things. Love never fails. ~1 Corinthians 13:4-8 ish

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Doing Better

Elijah is feeling much better today. We didn't end up taking him to the doctor because he was doing fine this morning. No fever and he started to eat/drink well. Here he is rocking in his chair.

Prayer update: Elijah kept asking me to pray again today and he loved saying "Amen!"

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Still Gloomy

Elijah was playing this morning so we thought he was doing better. However, I had to leave work early to go pick him up from daycare. And now I can't get him to see the doctor until tomorrow unless I take him to urgent care. (Mommy's not happy). So we're resting and taking lots of fluids. Feel better, Elijah!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Clingy Sleepy

My baby was sick today so I stayed home with him. He got two extra long naps today and seems to be doing a little better. I just gave him lots of cuddles and fluids (especially because he wouldn't eat much for me). We watched some Veggie Tales and practiced learning his name. Later, we watched the neighbor's dog and mimicked its barking. 

Twice this afternoon while sitting on my lap he folded his hands together and looked up at me. I asked, "Do you want to pray?" He'd say yes, so we prayed. That's the first time we've prayed that wasn't before a meal or bedtime. I think he knew he needed prayer because he wasn't feeling well...such a smart kid!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday Photo Shoot

I tried to do a photo shoot with Elijah this morning using his new puppy. He liked being able to sit up on the couch and crawl around, but he didn't like holding the puppy. Flying puppy was much more interesting. So here is Bud-Do preparing to launch puppy in the air. At least he's smiling.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Katie's Baby Shower

I had blurry pictures today - all from my phone. Here is Grandma Great and GG. And you can see the top of my head because I took this picture without looking.

Elijah did a great job staying away from all the gifts that weren't his. The distraction from the numbers and letters fridge magnets was helpful. Also, he got an early Valentine's present from GG - a stuffed puppy! We're still trying to name it...any suggestions?

This was a very cute little jacket. If only it came in my size :) My presents to Katie/baby are the little brown bags with orange ribbon - one little gift for each month of baby's first year.

Here's Katie with Elijah. He can't wait to meet his new cousin. I couldn't get him to stop chewing on his finger...teething?

Friday, February 8, 2013


We love the indoor playground on cold days. Elijah can almost climb up the mushroom steps to the top of the slide, and he's able to go all the way down the slide by himself. He made several new friends today, and one of the dads there warned me about the terrible twos that are only 6 months away.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Wide Load

Elijah is loving that we have this box in the living room still. Today he flipped it upside down to sit on it. Then he got the idea to take it to the couch. (This is Elijah trying to carry it to the couch). That didn't last long. Soon he decided it would be easier to push the box. He used the box as a step to get on the couch. It worked great until I decided that standing on a long box with a long hole down the middle would be unsafe. 

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Jacket Wear

We have a large old tree in the backyard behind the unusable clubhouse. It leaves branches all over the yard back there and Elijah usually finds a stick from its pile to play with. Today's stick was a little too big for him to drag around. We did find some smaller sticks to fling around and stick in the giant cat litter box.

We brought a ball outside to throw around because we all know that balls are Elijah's favorite toys. He heard the neighbor's dog barking...and after some prolonged staring, we ventured over to the fence to get a better look at him.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Elijah can stacks his rings. Blue...green...yellow...orange...red. Largest to smallest. Way to go!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Where's Jesus?

"Baptism is like that. It saves you now-not because it removes dirt from your body but because it is the mark of a good conscience toward God. Your salvation comes through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is at God's right side. Now that he has gone into heaven, he rules over all angels, authorities, and powers." ~ 1 Peter 3:21 & 22

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Climbing Out

Elijah's learning how to climb in and out of his box. He loved being pushed around in the box but got upset when he couldn't figure out how to climb out. So we helped him a little and he was able to do it on his own the next time.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Toddler Attack

Watch out neighborhood kids! This guy is going to dominate all snowball fights. Today he used his workbench as a fort and crouched behind it before launching balls at Mommy. I attacked back, but Elijah was on fire. He even started to throw them at me without standing up. Sometimes he had his tongue hanging out and I only assume his babbles were war-cries targeted at me. That was good exercise and entertainment for all of us! 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Prince Charming

Here's my little prince charming in his new shirt for February. He's not a 'heart breaker' like most of the shirts I saw. He's going to care for a girl's heart. Love!