A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas Story

Elijah wanted me to take a picture of him with his helmet.

Elijah quotes from today:
"Shepherds in the field."
"Angel shepherds the good news."
"Angel said,'Do not be afraid.'"
"Jesus was born in Bethlehem."

Silly girl! She truly is 100% cute.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Rug Blanket

Apparently, this rug makes for an awesome blanket. Elijah worked very hard to wrap himself up with it. Then he tried to make sure his toy cars were in with him.

This little one has been held most of the day. She cries every time I set her down. Hopefully, this clingy stuff means that she's recovering from feeling bad the last few days.

Friday, December 27, 2013

Yawn Rug Sit

Eva took a big yawn on my lap while I had my camera out. Why is sleepy so cute?

Elijah was able to connect his semi truck back together by himself after Mommy showed him how. He was so pleased with himself. Look at that sweet road rug.

Baby Eva is not big enough to use this Bumbo yet. She needs to have better head control. But I let her sit in there for a few minutes because she was really fussy but sitting calmed her down. 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas 2013

Eva with her gifts.

Elijah's stack o' presents.

It's a road rug for all his vehicles.

I want a Hippopotamus for Christmas!

Elijah held Eva in my lap.

Elijah playing with Grandma's jingle bell socks.

There were trucks on top of Elijah's gift.

Time to learn shapes, animals, colors, and numbers.

Elijah says "Merry Christmas!"
Eva says "Happy New Year!"

Grandma's Big Brother was out in the garage all lit up for us to see.

Ellis gets a closer look at her new little cousin.

The boys at Grandma Shelly's compare Christmas presents.

Erik and Elijah pass out all the gifts.

Monday, December 23, 2013


I forgot to post the last couple of days...too much Christmas fun. Elijah's trying to wear the infant Santa hat. Doesn't fit.

This one is a rare sighting of Mommy and Daddy in Santa hats especially since we don't 'do Santa' in our house.

Eva's getting closer to being able to sit in the Bumbo so we brought it down from the attic. Elijah still fits in it. He thought it was silly and just wanted to climb on it.

This photo is misleading because Eva girl has been fussy/tired/crying all day. I caught her being happy and snapped a quick shot. Smile :)

Friday, December 20, 2013

Choo Choo!

Elijah helped Daddy put in our new (used) microwave and oven that we got on Craigslist since our old oven broke yesterday.

Here's the new (used) microwave and oven. Looks familiar...

We took Elijah to the dead Metro North mall to ride the Christmas train for free. Santa was there...he looked a lot like a janitor though (check out my Facebook for that pic). Elijah also rode on the escalator which was as fun as riding on the train.

Thursday, December 19, 2013

2 Month Check Up

Eva went to the doctor's office today for her 2 month check up. She's in the 57th percentile for weight at 11 lbs 6 oz. She's around the 20th percentile for length at 21 3/4 inches. She got pink eye yesterday, so we were able to get a prescription for eye drops...although the doctor suggested dripping breast milk in her eyes for a couple days as a free alternative to the medicine. Wonder if that will work... At the end of her check up, she had 4 shots in her legs and 1 oral vaccine - screamed and cried like crazy. Eva gets extra cuddles today (unless she doesn't want them).

We went grocery shopping at Wal-Mart. It was a mad house. Elijah opened his snack upside down while we waited in line. He was great the whole time we were out shopping and at dinner. We got his dinner for free! Ask me about that.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Bottle Day

Erik is off work through Christmas so we did a little Christmas shopping today...in stores...without the kids. The kids went to day care making it Eva's first day with Jeanne. Eva took two bottles while she was there with no problems at all which is great because we've been trying many times with many bottles/nipples and many tricks with no luck at all. Jeanne also made this cute giraffe with Eva's birth stats on it. I'm so thankful that we were able to find such a good day care provider to help with our children while Erik and I have to work. Also, (I don't know if I have said it on here) I have a new work schedule for when I return to work...and it's one that works in my favor!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013


Eva stared at this giraffe for an hour straight. After being awake in the swing for so long, I thought maybe she's want to be held or enjoy a change of scenery. Nope. She cried and kept crying even when I returned her to the swing. Lesson learned: when baby is content, leave baby alone.

I have a video of Elijah putting all the magnets on the board for advent, but this site only lets me upload videos under a minute long. It doesn't say that exactly...but somehow there's always an error if a video is longer. Elijah asks every to play advent and he completely ignores the Bible verses we read...at least he knows some of the Christmas story. I think that's pretty good for being 2.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Blanket Laying

Greetings from the floor. Eva was all grins this morning...and all spit up this afternoon. She's been sleeping for about 8 hours every night, waking up to eat a snack, and then sleeping for a couple more hours.

Elijah enjoys his sister more and more each day. Check out my video I put on Facebook of Elijah singing the ABCs to Eva.

Elijah also used the rest of our shaving cream tonight. Looks like we have to buy more.

Sunday, December 15, 2013


I moved her bouncer in front of the Christmas tree so she could gaze at the lights until she fell asleep.

When Elijah wakes up, he enjoys a sippy full of milk...and he always uses his other hand to play with his ear.

Saturday, December 14, 2013


The pictures from today may be blurry because they're from my phone. This one is Elijah wearing his Addison shirt. Everyone in our family has a shirt to support our friends who had a baby who only lived for a few weeks earlier this year. We are now also collecting pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House since our friends had to use their services during the few weeks Addison was alive. 

Elijah worked very hard to get himself in the box with all these animals.

Then Elijah piled all the animals onto Eva and me.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Eva 2 Month & Contact Tree

Eva with her 2 month sticker.

Elijah pushed the button to take that picture.

Mommy's helper for our 2 month photo shoot. 

Our family! We had to tickle Elijah for a smile.

This morning Eva was sleeping in Mommy's spot.

Elijah made a Christmas tree! Then he had to make a star to go on top.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Not Sure

I put Eva on the couch so Elijah climbs up beside her. He asked to hold her and smiled then kissed her forehead. He likes her for 5 minutes at a time. I think he'll just like her more and more as they become able to play together.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Eva rolled over! She rolled over once about a week ago but I thought it was a fluke since babies don't usually roll over that early. But today she rolled over three times in a row with Elijah and me witnessing it. Fluke times four or strong muscles...either way, we're proud of her.

We're having our family photo done with Roni today. Here's a sneak peek of our outfits.

Hopefully we get some good shots tonight. If we don't, here's proof that they're cute together.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Clingy Day

This poor little boy was sick today. I should have known when he fell asleep at 10am but nap time is usually after lunch. He hasn't eaten much today, has a little cough, and is running a slight fever. He would cry but wasn't able to tell me what was wrong. Extra cuddles and videos for him today.

Eva's looking hungry in this picture. Yummy fist! She's been letting me be with Elijah a lot more than usual which is good because he needs it.