A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Really Spring

Spring means denim dresses!

Spring means a trip to the park!

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Out to Eat

Throwback to last week. I had both kids on my lap. I love the look on Eva's face here.

We went out to eat as a family tonight...all four of us! Elijah got full on chips and salsa, but he still ate a ton of rice and beans and half his burrito. 

I held Eva most of the time...except when eating my tacos on the very hot plate. A bunch of the servers stopped to say hi to Eva. One waitress even held her for a little. Obviously, this is my second child. Eva was all smiles for the trip.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Making Up

Many pictures tonight...see what happens when I stay home all day. Oh well, it makes up for the days I only see the kids for a couple hours. That makes it hard to get a picture and post. The pictures above are from this morning. I went to take a shower, and Elijah got out all his books, took them across the living room, and sat in the pile. After my shower, I showed him how to correctly stack the books on the shelves.

I had no idea I was foreshadowing when I took this picture earlier today. Eva girl stole my phone! Later, when Erik was cooking (steak and potatoes if you must know) I had Eva on my lap and my phone in my hand...maybe playing Candy Crush. Then Eva hits my phone with her hand and knocks it our of my hand onto the couch. Erik saw the whole thing and thought it was hilarious. 

My Pinterest project for Elijah today was all about fine motor skills. The first one is putting Cheerios on spaghetti noodles. The middle one is putting toothpicks in the little hole in the toothpick container. The last one on the right is putting rigatoni noodles on a pipe cleaner. I took his finished project of the last one and made it a bracelet. He says it's for Grandpa. He asked if we could go to Grandpa's house tonight and give it to him for his birthday. I said we'd just give it to Grandpa the next time we see him.

I don't know what most kids build with their Legos, but Elijah builds fork lifts. He even added a driver to the top but was upset that we didn't have a driving thing (aka steering wheel). 

Bonus story! While I was talking to Erik on the phone, Elijah told me, "I go Wal-Mart with Daddy. Get Mommy burritos and Goldfish. Get Eva wipes...for she butt."

Thursday, March 27, 2014

I Have a Blanket Too

I had Eva on a blanket, so Elijah got out a blanket and put it down beside her. Then he asked me if he could lay on it. Uhhh, sure. He does that sometimes...asks me if he can play with his toys. I don't think he understands that most of his toys he is allowed to play with at any time, but only some toys (Play-Doh, puzzles, ones with many pieces) he needs to ask for.

Extra one of Eva girl.

Sunday, March 23, 2014


Eva is trying to get out of her chair. Good thing all baby chairs/swings/bouncers have safety straps to keep the kids in place. She would've fell forward on her face. I guess this means she has strong ab muscules.

Daddy built a fort in the living room with the couch and blankets. I peeked in to take a picture. Looks like they're having fun. Elijah kept calling it a tent...uhhh, no, it's a fort.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

You're Silly

This morning, Elijah was looking through his nails like little binoculars. He made me do it too. We are such a funny family. He was very excited to go see Grandpa for his 60th birthday party.

Eva girl was sitting on the couch just laughing and laughing. It looks sort of strange in the picture, but that is full laughter. Then she spit up on the couch. Whoops! Blanket next time.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Sick Mommy

My fever today was higher than it was on Monday. Watching these 2 while being sick was awful. Hopefully, I'm feeling better tomorrow. Eva was in a good mood all day, but went to bed early tonight. So I will also go to bed early.

Here's Elijah playing with his car. When we were watching the weather, he said, "She says it's chilly outside. She's talking about the warm day." Yup...but I'm sick so you can't go out until Daddy gets home.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Ocean Spills

Eva's playing in the ocean. She loves being on the floor and rolling over to her belly. As long as she can get something to chew on, she stays happy.

You may need to zoom in for this one. Elijah was helping Erik make dinner and he spilled the noodles. Elijah was down on the floor picking them up and putting them into a glass. I tried to get him to use his little broom and dust pan, but he didn't want to.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

5 Months & Catch

I'm a little late on her 5 months pictures. Oh well. I guess I was too busy or forgetful or sick.

I was still not feeling well today, but my fever was gone and I was able to get some rest. I even did 2 loads of laundry. After the kids came home, I took Elijah outside for a while before dinner. We played catch, basketball, and hit the beach ball around.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Green Day

Mommy was sick today. When Elijah came home from daycare he asked me, "You feel better?" I had to tell him that I still wasn't feeling well. His green for St. Patrick's day is on the Jeep on the front of his shirt.

Eva girl wore a headband with a green flower. She also has a light green onesie and yellow-green bib. Carrying her around while I've been sick is difficult. 

Sunday, March 16, 2014

31 Bags

Mommy and Eva took a trip up to St. Joe today to go to Jessica's fundraiser. She was hosting a 31 Bags party to raise money for her mission trip to Ecuador. We went up there, ate some snacks, bought some bags, and made a new friend. This is Wesley; he really wanted Eva's giraffe, and he got it for a little when we left to eat. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Ribbon Pictures

Yesterday afternoon, we played outside. The sunlight blinded Eva. Elijah played in the sand.

Blurry phone pictures. Elijah playing with the ribbon stick.

Eva's 5 month pictures with Roni. See Facebook for the pictures Roni took.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Giraffe Outtakes

Did you see the monthly giraffe picture I posted on Facebook? So deceiving! I took 31 pictures, changed her outfit 3 times because she kept spitting up, and it took forever to even take a shot because she kept knocking over the giraffe. Although, I do like this picture; it's funny!

Assistant Elijah needed his picture taken too. He helps Eva smile by showing her toys, singing, laughing while jumping, tickling her, or playing peek-a-boo.

Leaning...looking at Elijah...playing with the giraffe...all the outfits...

By the way, I've been doing this blog for 2 years as of yesterday. Wow! Take a look back and see how much the kids have changed. I'm really glad I started this little photo blog.

Extra Work

Yesterday, I had training at work so the kids had an extra day of daycare. I was also able to get some chores done before they got home.Eva was happy to be home. After a 5pm feeding, she played with her Sophie giraffe in the rocking chair.

I had to clean out my drawer by my bed and I found some little toys. Can you see the black popper in the air? 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Out Again

We were able to go outside again...with jackets this time. Elijah and I had a sword fight with the pool noodles and we did all sorts of things with them.

Daddy even bundled up Eva girl so she could get some fresh air. Look at her cute hat and flower! She's even cuddled with the famous Wal-Mart blanket (which actually came with a doll).

Monday, March 10, 2014

In and Out

We had such great weather today and had to go outside to enjoy it. Half of our neighbors were out as well. Elijah played basketball, drew with chalk, and played with sticks and mud. We even found a worm!

Eva girl had a toe in her mouth. It was so cute, but I missed it. And she wouldn't do it again for me. What a bummer! 

This little guy had a root beer float. He really liked the ice cream part of it and drinking from a big cup. What a great treat on a warm day!

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Yesterday, Eva sat in her Bumbo and played with her ocean toys. At first she didn't know what to think about playing with these toys from a different angle, but she ended up liking it.

Yesterday, Elijah went to Lora's Minnie mouse birthday party. She turned 2! He had lots of fun playing with her, jumping on her trampoline, and eating cupcakes.

This girl is crazy about rolling over and then she does not like being on her tummy. Today, I had to take this picture quickly before she flipped again. That's Sophie the Giraffe; she loves chewing on her nose.

This afternoon's nap time was a little late. We had pizza for lunch and Elijah decided to stay in his church clothes for nap. He's not hiding from me; he's just sleeping...with his sippy and stuffed animals and 3 blankets.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Robin for Spring

We were able to play outside for a while before dinner. Elijah hit the ball with his stick, found the beach ball, and told a robin to come play with him. Erik gave Elijah a sip of his drink and Elijah said, "I like the Pepsi!"

Before dinner, Eva and Mommy cuddled on the couch and took a selfie. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Camera Happy

Hiding behind her pacifier.

Love the expression...ignore the spit up.

A little Photoshop.