A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Monday, April 28, 2014


Eva to the left...

Eva to the right...

Sunday, April 27, 2014


Elijah is building a fort for his Lego man. How cute is that white polo?

Eva can sit up all by herself for 10-20 seconds...a little longer if she's leaning on something.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Classic Boy

Elijah is enjoying a Root Beer with Daddy. He said, "My lips tickle!" 

Erik gave Elijah a summer haircut. This afternoon, Elijah was running into the living room when he tripped (on his own feet?) and fell into his workbench. He immediately had an indention on his forehead where his head hit the workbench. We tried to hold ice on it... Now (about 5 hours later) he has a nice bruised bump on his head. You can barely see it in the picture with the flash though.

I let Eva sit in the big highchair for dinner tonight. She had her first taste of bananas. I think she liked them more than the pears from last week, but she mostly spit at me. Looks like she's enjoying the glass jar!

Friday, April 25, 2014

Jump, Paint, and Stick

Eva likes being in her jumper. She hasn't figured out how to jump by herself yet, but the likes the buttons and being able to sit up tall in it.

Using a real paint brush with shaving cream to paint the bathtub walls. He was entertaining himself for almost an hour. Then took a long bubble bath afterward. I was able to clean the bathroom, do a load of laundry and feed the baby during that time.

We also started a craft that I found at Hobby Lobby. It says for ages 3+ so I had to help him a little bit. I took the foam stickers off the paper but had him match the color and shape before sticking it on the monkey. He was bored after a while (there's over 100 stickers to put on it) so we will finish it another day.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Moving & Showing

Doll or truck? So, I moved Elijah's truck out of reach...a couple feet. She scooted across the floor and got it to her mouth! Then she rolled up to the ocean and ended up on the other side of the road rug by the shelves. Total travels: approximately 10 feet.

"Naked!" Every night before (and after) bath time, Elijah must do his naked dance for Mommy.

After he puts clothes on, like his knight shirt, he does the same dance. Only, this time, he yells, "Not naked!" 

Monday, April 21, 2014

Sunday Easter

Eva was leaning forward and backward on Grandpa's lap.

Getting out the old car toys for the grand kids. 

Kids these days...always on their phones.

Eva liked her Easter egg.

Finding eggs (scroll down for video).

Katie helping Ellis get her eggs.

Trying to get stuck in the porch railings.

Just enjoying the day.

Everyone's outside!


Just playing.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Saturday Easter

Boys playing Magic...always...

Eva sitting on Josie's lap!

Hunting for Easter eggs.

Getting prizes for eggs.

Everyone watching the older boys look for eggs.

Elijah playing with his new remote controlled Chuck truck.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Ocean Play

Here's Eva playing in the ocean. We took Elijah to stay overnight at Grandma Shelly's so he can decorate eggs with his cousins and make pizza. Hope he has a good time!

Thursday, April 17, 2014

6 Month Outtakes

The giraffe pictures are getting harder and harder to take. I only have one where she's smiling this time. She likes eating the giraffe and throwing it. I like the picture in the middle here. It looks like she's handing me the giraffe.

Elijah is saying "cheese" for me. He smiles big and closes his eyes. I try to have him say something, so he shouts and I get a picture with his eyes closed and mouth wide open. I have him laugh naturally, and he's falling over or moving his arms around. Can't figure out what to do...so we made a fort.

6 month check up: She weighs in at 14 lbs and 3 oz - that's double her birth weight! She's a healthy baby girl. She's moving along in the 15-20th percentile for height and weight. 33rd percentile for head circumference...all those brains. She had 4 vaccines today - one oral (which took forever for her to swallow) and 3 shots in the thighs. 

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Solid Foods

Now that Eva girl is 6 months old, we started introducing solid foods. We sat her in the Bumbo, and gave her gross rice cereal and then applesauce. She gagged on it and spit it out and banged her hands at me. Not ready? Not willing? Not now? 

After finishing his applesauce, Elijah asked for more. Erik told him to finish his potatoes and eat some chicken first. After eating all his potatoes and one bite of chicken, Elijah saw Erik's chicken salad. He asked for some lettuce. He likes lettuce more than chicken! More than our yummy homemade fried popcorn chicken bites with dip! Boggles the mind.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Cousin Ellis Turns 1

Eva with Grandma Great and GG (the other Eva).

Food and decorations.

Homemade ice cream!

Did someone say iPad?

What baby doesn't need to learn HTML?

Olivia had a good time making new friends.

Eva, where's your hair?

Should I eat the ball, the ducky, or my hand?

Playing on the floor.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

6 Months Old

Eva turned 6th moths old yesterday and I missed it. I was at state Science Olympiad all day judging Write It Do It. Huge "Thank You!" to my mom for watching the kids while Erik and I were gone. Eva is almost sitting up by herself, she rolls over (usually to the left), she can do little push-ups to scoot around, we'll be starting 'solid' foods soon, and she's got the best baby smile ever! During her sticker pictures, she kept trying to eat the sticker! Erik's helping me here...I think her expression is cute.

Eva tummy time with her car seat video:

Friday, April 11, 2014

Bye Bye

We're leaving Eva overnight for the first time. She'll be 6 months old tomorrow. I'll miss you!

I'm going to miss this lil' guy too. I bet he'll be great at helping Grandma take care of everything. 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Hanging Pile

Elijah hanging upside down off his bed.

Eva crawling up Elijah's pile of toys. Not really, but she is doing tummy time on them.