A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Christmas Tree & Decorations

Hold the train and smile!

In the Jeep, going to Reindeer Lane.

Erik offered to carry Eva the entire time!

We found our tree.

Everyone needs to pet the tree...

We bring our own saw to cut it down.

Eva had a little break from her carrier.

Everyone tries to pull the tree up the hill.

After we drop the tree off to be shaken and wrapped, Elijah rides to the barn.

We skip pictures with Santa but check out the nativity, free popcorn, and hot chocolate.


Erik put on the lights while Elijah watches Elf.

Eva hangs out by the tree under the village.
(no snow this year)

Elijah loves the fire station!

I put the library near the school.

The church is out in the country a little.

The train is far off in the mountains (on the wall near the angels).

The rest of the town is in the kitchen.

Mommy and Elijah made a Christmas countdown chain to go with our advent.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Jammie Restaurant

Elijah was playing restaurant again. See how his little hands are carrying our orders. He was running around the corner in the kitchen saying "Cook! Cook! Cook!" before bringing us food. Eva was chasing him to and from the kitchen.


You can see her eye through her finger!

We turned in our shoe boxes and the kids got stickers. I wanted a pic so I told Elijah to be excited. This is what happened....I think it works.

Friday, November 21, 2014


After getting her off the shelf 7 times, I decided to just show her how to climb down. At least she's not heavy enough to break it.

He's too big to fit in the shelf, but he liked having his feet in here to watch the music play on TV. It became a little difficult when Eva started climbing on him like this.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Standing Slide

This is Eva ready for church. Of course, she took her shoes off right away. That's fine; they're better for chewing on.

My kids are silly. They're both standing on the slide! And smiling at the same time.

Friday, November 14, 2014

Flower Boom

Elijah hiding by the box. He wanted his picture taken (jealous of me taking Eva's picture), then he didn't want his picture taken. He even hid under a blanket for a while, but then he wanted me to take his picture with Eva (see a couple pictures below).

I tried to get Eva to model her Red Friday bow. She kept climbing around on the couch. At least I got her to face the camera for a second (a blurry second).

So...we had to get out more flower clips and headbands. Eva kept taking her's off and handing it to me to put back on.

Elijah was playing the drums. This is for everyone who thinks he's quiet. Ha!

Eva kept trying to set her flower down on the floor, but it wouldn't stay there.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Winter Gymnast

Elijah loves wearing his winter clothes. He was so excited to see snow on the news...he thought it had snowed here. Maybe this year he'll be old enough to sled.

After a very slow and careful climb, our little gymnast was able to stand like this on her caterpillar balance beam. Get ready for the Olympics! 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Movie Night: Planes

Eva likes Redbox!

The boys love blankets!

She's so excited that she figured out how to stand on the slide with no hands.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Necklace Ball

We're adjusting to my new work schedule. Elijah's confused and keeps asking about if he'll be at day care or why Mommy is picking him up or where Daddy is or why Mommy's leaving. Well, little buddy, you're not the only confused and upset one here. Eva has a new necklace. It's an amber teething necklace. Hoping it's better than Tylenol.

Here's Elijah telling me he's sad. He was in trouble...but not enough trouble to get a timeout. It still made him sad though.

Morning play time for the kids! Elijah's building a Lego airplane and Eva's going down the slide.

I switched a couple of our living blankets for ones from storage. Elijah loved playing with the 'new' blankets.

Eva playing with her ball. We even played with her sock. I put it on her head and she would take it off and hand it back to me.

"Eva do you want to play ball with me?" - Elijah

Monday, November 3, 2014

New Schedule

The time change from yesterday gave us cranky kids last night. Eva also has a mild fever...we think she's getting her top teeth. She keeps biting and pinching. Also, Mommy's work schedule is changing this week. Hopefully, the kids will adjust okay. Elijah's never been good with changes.

Our Bud-Do has such concentration getting his binoculars set up on the box.

Do other one-year-old kids sit like this?

Sunday, November 2, 2014

After Church, Before Lunch

Welcome to that short time after church when everybody is trying to use the bathroom, change clothes, and cook food before noon. This little person already ate and changed clothes.

As we journey to the living room, we find another little person who is still hungry and in need of change of clothes. Although, they have a little snack at church. He was able to change into his Chiefs jersey and pants...after nap he wants his Chiefs helmet too.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Halloween 2014

The apples that Elijah picked.

Cooking apples in the crock pot.

Homemade applesauce.

Homemade apple crisp.

Colored pumpkins! Eva used crayon on hers and Elijah used Sharpies on his.

We made binoculars for our fall walk to the park. Eva's not pushing him down, she just using him for a little support.

Costumes: giraffe (mask and tail from the zoo) and nurse (like the character, Clementine, in the Caillou Halloween book).

At Hallelujah night! He loved playing games...especially bowling, fishing, and the ball pit.

Grandma joined us for the fun!

Crazy ball pit!