A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Friday, February 27, 2015

Home Sick

Mommy's sick so we had lots of free play and TV time this week. I did teach Elijah a new board game: Eric Carl ABC's.

Learning about levers or seeing how far he can throw toys.

On her podium singing a song.

Loving on her Eva doll.

She brought a book up onto the shelf to read. I remember taking my books up climbing trees with me.

Kids + blankets + dogs

Kids + blankets + dogs (a couple hours later)

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Climb, Flip, & Cook

Eva's climbs on a pirate ship to play at the workbench. 

Elijah is very into 'look at me' activities. 
I think he recently learned how to do a headstand off the couch.

Mommy hasn't been feeling well this week, but I did make chicken tortilla soup for dinner. The non-chef (me!) cut vegetables and threw in spices and put this soup into a bread bowl. I topped it with cheese and Frito's chips. I liked it, and Eva girl even asked for more (sign language) after she finished her first bowl.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Building Together

Both kids playing with the blocks.

Eva's trying to stack on Elijah's tower.

On her top right, you can see the new tooth.

Friday, February 20, 2015

We All Fall Down

I think they want to repeat the falling down part over and over.

Eva gives Patches a big hug.

Elijah's a clown! I bought masks and hats ($3.50 for 8 pieces) at the consignment sale.

More falling down.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Snow Stairs

Elijah wanted me to get the biggest spoon we had so he could play in the snow. I grabbed a ladle from the kitchen...the only thing bigger would be a shovel. He was only able to play outside for about 10 minutes because it was too cold today.

We watched Elijah play outside from the warm house. Eva wanted a spoon like Elijah's so we went upstairs to the kitchen to get one for her. She is good at climbing/crawling up and down stairs, but it worries me a little when she tries to walk down them. She is not big enough to walk up or down stairs.

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Sweet Valentine's Day

Cinnamon bites for breakfast! We went to Steak n Shake for lunch, and while we're talking about food, we had French bread pizza for dinner/family movie night. Our featured movie for tonight is Monster's University.

The kids made cards for Dada. All stickers and scribbles were done by children. Eva's 'to' and 'from' were done by Mommy. Elijah had help with drawing a heart and writing 'dada.'

Here are the insides.

Stuff a play scarf into a ball and let little ones pull it out. Good times. She's got a paci in because she's still having some tummy issues and she's teething (for real this time). I can actually see one tooth poking through on her top right.

Harmonica concert by both kids.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Poop and Poop

Tummy issues gave us a whiny baby girl this morning and an early bath. Diaper count: 4 in an hour right around lunch time. So, I left her pants off. After lunch, she got another new outfit and new sheets. That's 2 extra loads of laundry for me today.

Elijah's playing with his pirate ship, ladder from his barn, his Lincoln Log man, and his three white 'babies' (which I think are ducks or geese). He likes mixing his toys - so creative.

Baby giggles and rare Eva crawling.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Clothes and Castle

This is half of the clothes that I am selling at a consignment sale this next week. My kids are growing up and outgrowing clothes. I only kept a couple of my favorites and the ones I'm unable to sell because of rips or stains.

Elijah got this castle for his birthday and we saved it for an indoor day. It took me a while to put it together (and 2 cardboard cuts), but the kids like it. I'm hoping Eva doesn't destroy it. Elijah's been playing with his pirate in it and playing kitchen/restaurant. I don't think he knows what a castle is.

The drawbridge is fun...I had to make a little handle so Elijah could lift it. Eva doesn't like playing inside it too much, but she hasn't been feeling well today. I changed 5 diapers in 2 hours earlier and she won't eat much. No fever. Hoping she starts feeling better soon.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Love in the Air

Elijah likes having the train on the side so he can poke his head out the top. Eva thinks he is very silly when playing like this.

Eva wore her new heart dress to church!

I couldn't get a good one of them both. Elijah kept fake smiling and Eva kept lifting up her dress. We tried singing songs and being silly...nothing worked.

Then we tried standing up. I took one shot before Eva walked away.

The kids are having a Valentine's Day party tomorrow at day care. Elijah hole punched circles, glued circles and Hugs, traced a heart, put on stickers, and wrote his name on each Valentine.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Big Train

Elijah avoids Eva as she climbs on the couch to be next to him. Look at how he puts his feet up and bends as far away as he can without leaving his spot.

The kids played in the train all day. They played inside, made it a fort, threw balls in and out, did a little fishing out the windows, and didn't use it like a train at all.

More train play!

Elijah helped make lunch today. We had pizza bites! He helped put biscuits on the trays, spoon on pizza sauce, sprinkle cheese (which he stole several bites of), and put on ham and pineapple. I think he even enjoyed watching the timer countdown.

Eva helped too! She climbed on her chair and snacked while we put all the biscuits together.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Hair Fort

This headband is a little small on baby girl. I thought it was funny. She loved standing on the Wii fit.

We had to build a fort because we built one at Sommer's house the night before (for the Super Bowl). Then our day care provider was sick so I stayed home to play with the kids on Monday. Thankfully, Grandpa was able to watch the kids on Tuesday and Wednesday for us while our day care lady was still sick. I didn't get any pictures of that though.

We did a little school gluing straw pieces to make Elijah's name. He wasn't able to cut the straw into pieces (maybe because safety scissors are hard to use for that).

Eva was very anxious to go play in the snow. She kept wanting to wear her mittens. I cannot get my phone pictures to upload to my computer...so I don't have any snow playing pictures on here yet.

She's such a grown up with her ponytail and Google.