A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Outside With Mommy

Eva with her bright hat!

Elijah with his arm around my shoulders!

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Giggle Play App

Today Quotes:

Elijah: "Yestertime, I hit my head."

Me: "Do you think the library opens at 9:00 or 9:30."
Elijah: "Umm...9:20."

Elijah: "Maybe I can bring my loader to the beach. I can go to the beach with Ellis. I can play with my loader, then Ellis can play with it when I'm done."

Elijah: "Maybe I can go to the circus."
Me: "Maybe when you're older."
Elijah: "I'm already big like Daddy."
Me: "No, you're not."
Elijah: "Yes, I am."  *stands on couch*  "See, I'm tall."

Kid Videos:

I tickle and she giggles. Try not to smile.

Elijah's using a new app on my phone to learn words/letters.

Monday, May 26, 2014

Dedication & Running The Bases

Many family members came to our church on Sunday to see our family dedicate ourselves to raising Eva according to God's will. We pray that she lives her name (life of faith). Her life verse is Psalm 37:4 & 5 "Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass."

There was a 50% chance of rain all day, but it looked so nice out that we decided to get ice cream and go to the park since we had an extra day off for Memorial Day. Elijah loved his chocolate milkshake. Then we played at the playground. Elijah went down the 'dark' slide and we played on these baby swings that are actually huge. A 6-year-old could probably fit in one...Eva was way too little...Elijah fit, just right.

Erik took Elijah up on the caboose! The doors were locked so they couldn't go inside, but Elijah had fun standing up there and looking at the tracks underneath.

The fields were very wet, and I made the boys go out anyway. Erik tried to have Elijah hit a pretend and get a homerun, but that really confused Elijah and he just wanted to go get his ball. So they just ran the bases. It's so cute when Erik tells Elijah to 'go home!'

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Blue Ninja

During our lunch time, I've been giving Eva mushy solid foods and baby puffs. This week she's been opening her mouth for more food and using her tongue to chew the puffs. Tomorrow we're having pancakes...I might slip her a little bite. Look at her blue eyes in this pic!

My little ninja boy came running into the living room. I had to make him redo the pose since he moved too fast the first time. Then his mask was falling off and he was done ninja-ing.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Lion Sit

We were listening to music on Pandora on the TV when a song from The Lion King started playing. There was a picture of Mufasa on the TV as the CD cover. Elijah points to the TV and says, "It's Daniel in the lion's den song!" Bible:1 ; Disney:0

Eva can sit up unsupported for several minutes before she finds a toy out of reach and tumbles over to get it. She can even wave her toys around - one for each hand.

This is how I do lunch. Both kids buckled up, unable to go anywhere, and happy. They were even 'playing' while Elijah ate and Eva bounced.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

I Love Them

Elijah - 2 years old

I love when you ask me, "Lay me lil' bit?"
I love how you always hide in the same spot.
I love your whisper voice when Eva's sleeping.
I love how you build a fork lift boogie with Lego blocks.
I love that you tell me our plans for the day.
I love it when you sing and dance to the marching song.
I love how you want to give your crafts as gifts.
I love your curiosity about everything.
I love how you help me with your baby sister.
I love how your limited mind has no limits.

Eva - 7 months old

I love your excited look when you first get in the jumper.
I love how you reach for the tips of my hair.
I love your determination to get a certain toy even though you can't crawl.
I love your peek-a-boo smile.
I love how you know what you want and how to get it.
I love that you enjoy your bother playing with you.
I love how you fall over from sitting and act like you meant to do that.
I love how you said "Dada" on command the first time we tried to show Daddy.
I love your shy grin and turn into my shoulder when someone else is talking to you.
I love that you think all the little things are important.

    Joshua 24:15
    But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” 

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


When I got home from work, I fed Eva a snack and went to change her diaper. She was playing with a burp rag and started saying, "Dadadadada." I asked if Daddy knew she could say that and she didn't answer me so we went to the living room to show Daddy. "Can you say Dada?" She said for Daddy, "Dadadada." Elijah asked, "Can you say Elijah Elijah?" She said for Elijah, "Ehh Ah" (which counts as 'Elijah' by the way. So I asked, "Can you say Mama?" And she said, "Goo." At least she's learning a lot of new sounds.

Elijah was running all over the house because he's a toddler and doesn't stay still unless he's buckled in something or watching a favorite video/TV show. It's getting harder and harder to take a picture of him. I said, "Hey, Elijah," just to get him to get his face turned toward me for this one. Then I had to tell him to sit because it's dangerous to stand on the rocking chair.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Bath & Grapes

It's impossible to keep this girl on her back...even for bath time.

Normally, I don't encourage "see food" but I did ask him to show me his grapes. 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Sit & Play

Elijah flipping his toy from glasses to goggles.

Eva's checking her Facebook....actually, she's about to put my laptop in her mouth.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Giraffe Outtakes & Lasagna

Eating the giraffe, falling into the giraffe, and grabbing the giraffe.

Helping Daddy make lasagna...the cheese layer.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Push Ups

This is how we do push ups. Tough!

This is how we cuddle. Love!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Finally Opened

I'm above my camera trying to sneak a picture. Sometimes Elijah is camera shy and other times he asks me to take a picture.

Eva can almost sit up by herself. She was like this for a few minutes...kind of leaning back on the couch. I tried sitting her up like this a few hours later and she kept falling. 

I dug Eva's play table out of her closet and set it up without two of the legs so she can reach it. We bought it for her last Christmas and now she can use it. Elijah really likes the train that came with it even though he already has a few trains.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Photo Time

Behind the scenes with Roni and Eva at the park. During the outside pictures, Eva was a little chilly and curiously looking around at all the trees. Hopefully, we got a few good pictures. Her inside pictures had more smiles.

Elijah was excited to sit on the 'new' chair that we got out of the garage for Eva's pictures. It had been put away because he was not able to sit on it properly. I guess we'll see how he handles it now that he's older.

Monday, May 12, 2014

7 Months Old

Cute necklace!

She grabbed/ate/destroyed her sticker too much.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

My beautiful little blessing who call me Mommy!

My silly little loves who make me happy!

My wonderful Mom who is always there for me!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

National Train Day

Elijah on the train in the tunnel.

We came out to ride the train and were surprised by lots of people and inflatable toys. Who knew it was National Train Day? Free train rides for us!

We watched the model train go by a few times, but it was hot in there.

They gave Elijah a cool hat. (He wore his conductor pants!)

On the choo choo! Look who popped into our picture.

It's Daddy and Eva girl!

The windy ride made his hat fly off.

Bounce and climb through the inflatable circus train!

Inside the inflatable train.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Double Day

The kids are sharing a blanket.

That rattle used to be mine.

All smiles!

New magazine!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Mom Booklet

During our church small group meeting, we have a babysitter for the younger kids. She helped Elijah make this booklet for me for Mother's Day. This is his hand print and he signed his name underneath.

On this page he drew a picture of himself with me. My age is '2 years old' which make sense because Elijah thinks that any amount greater than one is two. My job is 'helicopter' which also makes sense for him because he knows I work at the hospital. The first time he remembers the hospital is when he came to see Eva when she was born. When he arrived at the hospital there was a helicopter there that took off and went over the buildings. Also, I'm glad he likes to do my favorite thing (change Eva's diaper) with me...haha!

We love balloons! There will always be balloons at his birthday parties :)

Sometimes, when I take Eva to her room to change her diaper, I let Elijah "carry she feets" while I carry the rest of her. He loves walking backwards down the hall and lifting her up to the changing pad. Occasionally, he even wants to open up a diaper or throw the dirty one in the trash for me.

This boy loves burritos. It might be his favorite food. Can't believe I got a cooking compliment for Mother's Day!! (By the way...the burritos are frozen. I rock at using the microwave!)

Elijah likes rolling the ball with Eva. Eva likes having someone give her the ball back when she accidentally drops it.

I made a tent and let the kids hideout in there for a while. It works out great for both of them since Eva loves Peek-a-Boo and Elijah loves Hide and Seek.