A Path to Follow

Parents leave prints on their children's lives...from years before conception to every second of the day.

Friday, February 28, 2014


Eva girl being happy!

Elijah shared his blocks!

T-Rex Cafe

My new work schedule has made if difficult to get pictures and post them daily. Here's my catching up from yesterday. These are blurry because they're from my phone. Eva girl is playing in the rocking chair. She likes her chewy toys now. And she's rolling over frequently...at night...and waking herself up. Hopefully, she'll figure out how to flip back over or get used to it soon. I don't like getting out of bed every half hour to flip her back over.

I took Elijah out to the T-Rex Cafe at Legends (without Eva). We really liked the dinosaurs. At first he was a little cautious of all the noises, but he enjoyed watching the dinosaurs talk and move around. Our food came out late because our server didn't put our order in. And it tasted fine...not great or anything. Then we looked at their store and didn't buy anything because it was either expensive, a stuffed animal (which we have too many of), or for children over 5 years old. After that, we went shopping and I got a couple things for both kids for next winter. Nap time was messed up though, so I had one cranky boy for the rest of the night. Hopefully, he'll remember this day for a while.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Turns and Burns

I wanted a cute nigh' nigh' picture. Eva wanted to roll around. I forgot to put her prescription on her cheeks this morning so her skin was getting red. I guess she's not over the eczema yet.

While 'helping' Daddy in the kitchen, Elijah touched a hot pan. You can't even see the red line across his three little fingers. This Bud-Do got extra boo-boo kisses.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Church Girl

Eva girl is playing on her blanket before church. And look how much her cheeks have cleared up! No Photoshop here.

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Basketball and Doll

That shot. That form. Amazing. Future pro.

That grin. Those eyes. Fabulous. Future model.

Thursday, February 20, 2014


Eva's sitting in her rocking chair and wearing her headband.

Elijah's sitting on the couch after his nap drinking his milk.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Our Wednesdays are always rushed with only an hour at home between work and AWANA. Here are the quick pics from today.

Monday, February 17, 2014

Family Stacks

For Valentine's Day, Elijah got some bath crayons. He likes coloring on the tub and washing it all off. Tonight he called me in to show me his picture. It was a lot of green scribbles. He told me it was a park and pointed out where the slide was. I'm glad our little artist is building an imagination.

Elijah took a short ride on Daddy's shoulders. Eva thought it was crazy. I wish I had taken a picture of her face looking at those two guys.

But by the time I was able to get my camera pointed at us, her look had changed. The flash is really bright. I tried taking her 4 month giraffe pictures tonight, but after looking at the pictures I figured out that my camera lens had a smear on it. So I shall try those pictures again tomorrow. Also, notice my haircut? and awkward smile? 

Saturday, February 15, 2014


The loader is good for lifting and dumping snow.

The snow was too hard/crunchy for snow angels.

We threw snowballs at the tree.

Both kids on my lap and looking at the camera. Not smiling though - we'll work on that.

GG holding a yawning baby Eva.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

4 Months Old

Eva girl is showing off her cute booties while wearing her 4th month old sticker. She even smiled for a few of her pictures! We had her doctor's appointment, and he gave us a prescription for her eczema but not the one I wanted. We have to try this hydrocortisone for two weeks and see if it works before they'll do anything else. I know it didn't work for Elijah. In other doctor news, Eva had a couple more shots and she handled them very well. She is now 12 lbs 4 oz for weight and 23 inches long which is just under average for her age.

Poor Elijah had to go to the doctor's with us and to Miss Roni's for Eva's 4 month pictures. He was very good even though all the attention was on Eva today. We made it through the day with zero timeouts! He even got to play with shaving cream and take a long warm bubble bath with his boat, rubber duckies, fish, and cups.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


Here I am changing Eva's diaper before AWANA. Photo props go to Erik with his cell phone.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Twisty Towel

Elijah had to use one of our big towels because he took a shower and we didn't bring his little towels in there. I think he looks so cute in a huge towel. In this picture he was twisty twirly and trying to avoid my camera. Sometimes he's very camera shy and other times he keeps asking me to take his picture.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Date Night

Eva girl is showing off her white flower clip. She's wearing white and pink since Mommy and Daddy are going out tonight for Valentine's Day.

Our Bud-Do had ice cream for dessert after lunch today because he was eating like a big boy.

Friday, February 7, 2014

Tunnel Giggles

Elijah built a tunnel for his train to go through. He has made me build a tunnel with Legos before but this is the first time he's done one by himself.

Baby girl is supporting her friends with Congenital Heart Defects by wearing read. This is the beginning of CHD week. Please pray for our friends who have children with this condition.

The kids were laying on the floor and Eva just started laughing at Elijah so he started laughing at her to make her laugh even more. Silly kids!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Rolling Blanket

Eva enjoyed her tummy time a lot today. If you didn't see it on Facebook, Eva officially rolled over from back to belly! She's done it twice in her sleep before today. But this time was for sure all her while she was awake. This milestone is reached as early as 4 months old, but our little girl isn't 4 months old until the 12th. Overachiever! 

Elijah was playing with some paper, standing near the couch, and talking to himself. I heard him say, "Obey Mommy and Daddy." I guess that rule is starting to sink in.

Elijah takes Eva's giraffe print blanket to the laundry basket because it's dirty and asks if he can get out a new blanket. I let him. He comes out carrying this (photo above) blanket and says, "The Wal-Mart blanket!" This (photo below) is the Wal-Mart logo.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Evening Cuddles

Elijah was sitting by me and asked to hold Eva. He likes her more and more all the time - so cute! Yes, I have a robe on. It's brrrrr out there, folks.

At dinner time, Elijah had a little cut on his finger (not even bleeding). Erik told him to just lick it to make it feel better. Elijah said, "No. I need go to the hospital." I think he's been going to the hospital too much because Erik's been taking me to work. He told me yesterday that I was sick because I was at the hospital. Uhhh, no, I just work there.

Elijah grabs Erik's hand to walk to his room for bed time, then he says, "I not hold your hand. We aren't in a parking lot."

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Snow Day

Well our kids didn't get a snow day because they aren't in school yet. They did get a pajama day at day care though. And Erik took Elijah to play in the snow after we got home.

He liked it a lot...except he got cold. The boys made snow angels and had hot chocolate when they came inside. Although Elijah thought he was having 'Mommy's coffee' because his hot chocolate was in my mug.

Monday, February 3, 2014


If my son is yelling "Paparazzi!" at me and hiding, then I may be taking too many pictures. So...I took a video instead.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Scratches & Cuts


Eva's cheeks are very itchy. She spends lots of time rubbing her face and occasionally she makes herself bleed on accident. She is starting to get interested in her toys which should serve as a little distraction from her eczema.

Erik cut Elijah's hair today. I don't really like it this short but it was getting too shaggy. We just have Erik cut it with his razor so it's even and we don't have to pay for going to a salon. Looks cute...just short. I'm waiting until spring to get mine cut again.